An ordinary shopping center, visited in March, rested nearby at the hotel. At this time, there are practically no people, trade has stopped. There are practically no well-known brands, there are unfamiliar signs all around, they didn't even go anywhere, just took a walk. I would like to note the cleanliness and order, the floors and glass are washed to a shine. Trade should pick up in the summer, as should prices, and even now they are quite high out of season.
There is a large store of various goods in this shopping center: children's toys, oils, teas, sweets and much more… Unlike all street outlets, there are price tags here, but they will try to cram in much more than you need. Sellers speak excellent Russian, know cultural peculiarities, use obscene expressions to the place, it is difficult to leave without shopping. We bought homemade sweets from them, brought them home, opened them, and there the larvae greeted us joyfully.
An ordinary shopping mall, of which there are hundreds)
Be sure to shop for local sweets and textiles. And McDuck)
It is better to pay in lira, so they are less deceived😄
Sellers offered to buy weed from them, I guess, and they live by it
An ordinary shopping mall. Once again, I am convinced that it is not necessary to rely on local sellers and their "discounts". No matter how hard I tried not to be deceived, I was deceived anyway. I bought a set of bed linen, euros, and only at home, in Russia, I saw that it was just one and a half. It is cheaper to buy "goodies" on the street.
An ordinary shopping center , there is a Children's room where we left the children , it is better to visit on weekdays , there are a lot of locals on weekends , it is better to pay with lira or a card , prices are cheaper than in Moscow