Many Chinese people stay at this hotel, but they don't show us any respect at all. It happens to be the tourist season. In other hotels, when there's not enough space for luggage storage, they will try to find other places to help with storage. However, not only did this hotel not do that, but also, it is clearly stated on the booking app that luggage storage is free. One of the receptionists would politely explain that I had to wait until 2 pm. Later, I saw three girls come to pick up their luggage. They took away six boxes in total, three of which were large ones. I went up to one of the receptionists and said that I only had two small boxes and asked her to let me store them, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to make it for my subsequent itinerary. But she refused me very rudely without any apology. In fact, the storage room is just not well - managed. If things were arranged properly, there would definitely be enough space for my luggage, but she just wouldn't allow it. And when I asked her if I really had to wait until 2 pm, she rolled her eyes, shook her head, and said she didn't know. If anyone who reads this review knows the complaint email address of this hotel, please help provide it. I have stayed in four hotels in Russia, and my experiences in the other three were very pleasant. Only this one made me extremely angry.