Было просто божественно вкусно!!! Баранина сочная, нежная. Пхали выше всяких похвал. И прекрасное Саперави. Большой спасибо. Обязательно вернёмся и друзей позовем!
Very special place , I really like the atmosphere, the taste, the smell , the sound..
Underground , not so big, not so fancy, not so cozy...
But unique..
Go and get for you something special.., something you probably not expected, but wow..
They took the alcoho, taste, and aftertaste l to another level.
The staff are looking creepy chemical experts 😄.
This place is one of a kind..
Already the reason to visit this country,
Even just for a weekend!
Although me and my wife didn't want to leave it so soon..