✨ Как узнать кадастровую стоимость земли?
🔹 Кадастровая стоимость земельного участка – это денежная сумма, отражающая ценность земли на ос...
March 21, 14:46
👩🦱 Что такое чистая продажа квартиры?
🔹 «Чистая продажа» - термин, используемый для определения моментального выхода на сделку без посл...
March 21, 14:44
🚩 Что представляет собой сервитут?
👉 Сервитут – это право ограниченного пользования посторонней собственностью. С латинского слово servit...
March 21, 14:43
🔔 Арендатор: кто это и какие у него права
💫 Арендатор – это физическое или юридическое лицо, пользующееся правом временного владения недв...
March 21, 14:42
😉 Преимущества квартиры-распашонки
🔹 Квартира-распашонка – это жилье, одновременно выходящее на противоположные стороны дома. Причиной сл...
March 21, 14:41
All news (27)
Products and services
Updated: March 11
3-комнатная квартира по пр-ту Московскому, 13
Продаётся уютная благоустроенная трехкомнатная квартира в самом центре города. С шикарной планировкой, лучшей в этом сегменте трехкомнатных квартир. Окна ПВХ(кроме одной комнаты) выходят на две стороны. Квартира продаётся с мебелью и техникой. (хо...
149381 Br
1-комнатная квартира по ул. Богатырева, 14
Продается однокомнатная комнатная квартира по ул Богатырева д 14. Хорошее расположение дома,в шаговой доступности школа , детский сад , магазины и остановки общественного транспорта. Удобная парковка.
Чистый подъезд. Хорошие соседи.
В квартире с...
110831 Br
2-комнатная квартира по пер. Строительному, 15
Продаётся двухкомнатная квартира в спокойном районе города, расположенная по Строительному переулку 15.
Прекрасное расположение, удобный первый этаж.
Общая площадь квартиры 41,8 м², жилая 39,0 м².
Максимально удачная современная планировка студ...
Real estate services:secondary housing, housing real estate, commercial real estate, real estate advice, legal assistance, real estate exchange, documents for real estate, real estate support
We would like to leave a review about the work of the real estate agency Yurielt, and in particular, about the work of the realtor Anna. We contacted this agency, as it occupies the first place in the rating among the agencies of the city of Vitebsk. I should immediately note that in the future, we did not regret at all that we asked for help with the sale of an apartment here. Our realtor coped with the task perfectly! Anna took professional photos and made up an ad so that after reading it, we ourselves wanted to buy our own apartment. The result was not long in coming. The apartment was sold in a short time and for an excellent price. Throughout the entire time of the sale, Anna was always in touch with us, helped with all issues, tried to solve everything quickly and conveniently for us, to calm everyone down. Anna is a professional in her field, a competent specialist, a responsive and responsible person with whom it was easy and comfortable to work! We are sincerely grateful and will be happy to recommend Anna to our friends! Also, special thanks to Natalia for her support at the final stage of our deal! It was a pleasure doing business with you! Our rating is 100 out of 10!!!
Good day! I would like to express my gratitude to the real estate agency "Yurielt" and especially to the high-level professional of the Soil Larisa Gennadievna for an excellent job! I wish the agency prosperity and grateful customers!
Good day!!! I would like to express my gratitude to the real estate agency "Yurielt" and in particular to the realtors Sofia and Ulyana!!! I'm from the Russian Federation myself and I had to sell my one-room apartment! I bought this apartment in 2014 for a dollar equivalent more expensive than I was
selling it now, so they didn't charge me a 13% tax, which made me very happy!!! Special thanks for the professional work of realtor Sofia!!! She's a wonderful girl, she explained everything, she was always in touch, she always advises you before you do anything!!! The buyer was found in a month and a half!!! The transaction was carried out professionally: clearly, smoothly, without long waits!!! Well done girls Sofia and Ulyana!!! I think I'm very lucky that I applied to this particular agency, "Yurielt"!!! They occupy the first place in the rating of Vitebsk agencies for a reason!!! I recommend this company to everyone!!!