A huge territory, a good location, the very center of the city-you can buy absolutely everything here! There is a wonderful meat pavilion with a sufficient assortment of lamb, beef, pork, smoked meats, as well as eggs, dairy products and a variety of seasonings and spices. A big disadvantage is very few parking spaces
The prices are different, the quality of the goods is the same, you can bargain.
+The territory is large, there are all groups of goods
+Repairs were made around the meat pavilion and near the central entrance to the market
— the rest of the rows are dead
— The layout is terrible, the kiosks are mixed up, the goods are not categorized, it's difficult for visitors to navigate here, everyone gets lost
— a small parking lot for such a large market
— the goods are all from the gardener with a price increase, mostly the same assortment
— from the street If you don't get through the Soviet Union, you stumble and dodge between the goods.
A great place, a great selection of everything from clothes to groceries and tools.
The best cornices for prices and quality, as well as roller blinds and blinds. When leaving the meat pavilion, they are in a row where there is also excellent wallpaper
Exit in a row from the pavilion in the photo