It's a small, cramped supermarket, you can't get through with a cart, and it's cramped on foot. The assortment is infrequently replenished, so there are many delays. The price tags are a mess, the prices do not correspond to reality and there is no scanner to clarify the price. There are no self-service scales to weigh the candies, you need to look for and wait for the seller. But there are no queues at the ticket offices. There is an ATM of PSB bank, terminals for communication payments.
Oooooh SPAR in Lugansk is just a "Country of undeterred idiots"!
It's just awful!
They are officially selling overdue items, there are no tabs, and the price tags do not correspond to reality. The cashiers are cheating.
But most of all, what amazes me is that alcohol is sold in the shops of the LPR to PEOPLE IN UNIFORM (absolutely sober and adequate) THEY DON'T SELL!
A good store! Prices for fruits and vegetables are lower than in neighboring markets! They bake their own bread with various fillings ! a very large selection of dumplings, fish and sausage, sweets and dairy!