THE PATH TO SOVEREIGNTY IS DIFFICULT. FROM MICKIEWICZ UP TO VOLODARKA. Which can really be done in this pretty square. With an effort, climbing from the very good and, in a European way, terribly tolerant image of Pan Adam, up a very steep staircase, several large flights. Past the beautiful, primarily coniferous, vegetation. But the way back downhill, towards Mickiewicz and his monument, is easy and pleasant. And such a descent can even be celebrated over a glass of tea in the nearby Lido. Well, or at the Swedish embassy on Revolutionary Street, who has more heart for what. So let it be a square. As a symbol of the path. Who has what
A small and neat park in the center of Minsk.
Not the quietest, of course, because it is a "walk-through", and young people like to "hang out" here, but you can find a more or less quiet place to relax.