I have a contradictory opinion about this institution.
There are very "difficult" children in groups, but teachers really love their job. Although I have some questions about the dress code: as for me, the style of clothing is too dull. And I still don't understand why these strange masks are needed.
In addition, the only disadvantage is that it's a long way to get there, because there is no direct air connection with Moscow. Although children can live in the school itself, there is everything there for this, I still hope that in the future they will build a metro or at least an IDC here, because the overwhelming majority of Russian speakers at school are really.
I would rather recommend the institution than not. I hope my review helped someone decide on the choice of a school for a child
Прекрасный дом, сдала туда сына анимешника, домой вернулся счастливым и почему-то перестал смотреть эти китайские мультики, я спросила почему, а он мне ответил что это все из-за того что он не хочет туда возвращаться. Честно не знаю почему, но это наверное все из-за телефона