Филе миньон с перечным соусом и картофельным гратеном
39 Br320 g
Утиная ножка конфи с пряной грушей
Нежные утиные ножки, тушённые в красном вине, с добавлением груши. Это блюдо сочетает в себе богатый вкус утиного мяса и фруктовую сладость груши, а красное вино придаёт ему изысканный аромат
Пожалуй, лучший ресторан Беларуси. Высокий уровень сервиса, адекватное общение администратора и официанта Дениса, одновременная подача блюд, уборка посуды вовремя. Кухня отличная, интересные сочетания вкусов и фактур. Севиче из тунца - это что-то божественное! Также очень понравился острый тайский суп.
Были втроем, все остались довольны.
The beautiful interior and the staff of the restaurant will prompt, help, super.
The menu is wide and interesting.
Now for the dishes:
The size is not small, not big, it's fine, the salad and the main course will be enough.
What did you take
Mini octopuses with fried rice and potato cubes in a kind of sauce.
Well, I didn't understand the dishes, I really like Octopus myself.
The octopus itself is sweet, but was it filled with sweet sauce or what? It didn't go well for me.
Greek salad.
Uhhh. Its own recipe, which does not look at all like a Greek salad except for coarsely chopped tomatoes and cheese.
A crouton in a Greek salad- seriously?
Greek salad without red onions and olives entirely (not finely chopped?)
No, the salad is good- but it's very far from the classics - and the cheese is also not the same.
Dessert is beautiful, delicious, but the presentation from the point of view of how to eat it has failed - the meringue is too dry and firm.
Beef with mashed potatoes. Individually, it is both interesting and excellent, together it is sweet and impersonal.
High-quality, delicious, varied cuisine with national notes in a cozy and warm place with amazingly kind and pleasant staff who create a homely atmosphere for everyone who comes!!! I remained well-fed with new pleasant taste impressions, thank you!!!