The mosque of Rustam Pasha,
this mosque in blue shades, which is located on the territory of the market, where, according to history, Hurrem (Alexander) was bought
Not far from the bridge, where there are 100,500 fishermen
It (the mosque) is incredibly beautiful,
as the story tells, Rustam himself designed it and supervised everything, but did not live to see its final construction.
And the market that hugs the mosque is full of various goods, a la sadovod, from a loaf to ...
There is no ice with toilets in this area.
(Pee and poop "At Home"),
but here's tea, dry tea (powder) for colds or with pomegranate or something else, as well as souvenirs, not expensive enough, HERE.
It is worth visiting at least because of the Iznik tiles, with which it is richly decorated. In my opinion, this is one of the absolute masterpieces of Sinan.