The food was terrible fast food, and the service was extremely slow and inconsistent, with orders being served randomly. What’s even more serious is that they seemed to treat us this way because we are foreigners. They demanded a minimum order of 100,000 so'm per person and only accepted cash. In the end, they inflated the prices and outright scammed us. This will likely leave us with a negative impression of Uzbekistan. I hope the restaurant servers and manager reflect on their conscience.
I especially hope that the restaurant owners will pay attention to my review.
It's a kind of place if you come in and drink tea and warm up and discuss your impressions. The service is on "3", we didn't have time to wait for food, tea - yes! It was especially heartfelt to talk to the simple staff who prepare pilaf....(he is cooking outside), but not with those who serve!
Waiters are a separate topic for conversation, they clearly lack motivation! If you want to increase the chances that everything will be brought to you quickly, it's better to tip right away....enough to be noticed!
The manager (as he introduced himself) is able to calm down and solve your problem if you are convincing in your arguments...
I recommend asking about the payment method right away - at the very last moment (the hour of payment: you can wait for the bill for a long time ...) it may turn out that the terminal is not working "exactly like 5 minutes ago..."
I especially hope that the restaurant owners will pay attention to my review.
The place has a view, if you go in and drink tea and warm up and discuss your impressions. The service is "3", we didn't have time to wait for the food, tea - yes! It was especially heartfelt to talk to the simple staff who cook the pilaf.... (it is cooked outside), but not with those who serve!
The waiters are a separate topic for conversation, they clearly lack motivation! If you want to increase the chances that they will bring everything to you quickly - it is better to immediately give a tip... enough to get noticed!
The manager (as he introduced himself) - is able to calm you down and solve your problem if you are convincing in your arguments...
I recommend asking about the payment method right away - at the very last moment (the hour of payment: you can wait for the bill for quite a long time...) it may turn out that the terminal is not working "exactly like 5 minutes ago..."
We happily entered the restaurant. However, as soon as we entered, they asked us to spend at least 100,000... we sat down ourselves, thinking that this was not such a big deal. And the manager approached us and asked us to transfer to a cash or bank card. Next, we found out that there are big differences in prices, for this it is important not to confuse the procedure and put food for one of us too late, after each of us has prepared the food. Two 50,000 soums of pasta were 120,000 soums and three 40,000 soums were 110,000 soums. Asking for correction, we waited a long time, but we rushed because we had little time. Anyway, we paid with the card, despite their initial request to pay in cash. Then we found out that we were paid three teapots instead of two teapots. After reading other reviews, I am worried that they usually manipulate bills. Look at my account - about 1,300,000 before the tax was registered as 1,600,000 .. After our request for correction, they canceled the 300,000 service fee... What happened?!
In general, it is a resto with a beautiful view.
I hope you check your account and menu carefully.
Mi voshli V restaurant s radostnim serdtsem. Adnako, Kak talka Mi vashli, ANI paprasili Nas patratit minimum 100 000 Sam... Eto ne bilo Bolshoy problemoy, Mi reshili, Chto Eto ne problema, poetomu Mi Seli Sami. I Manager podoshel K Nam I poprosil Nas zaplatit nalichnimi ili perevesti na bankovskuyu kartu. Pozje Mi uznali, Chto bili bolshie razlichiya v tsenax, ne govorya uje O putanise v zakaze I Ochen pozdney podache blyuda dlya odnogo iz Nas, kogda vse ostalnie uje zakonchili est. Dve pasti po 50,000 som stoili 120,000 Som, a tri pasti po 40,000 som — 110,000 som. Mi poprosili ispravit I Dolgo jdali, no Tak Kak u nas bilo Malo vremeni, Mi pospeshili uyti. Lyubom V sluchae, Mi zaplatili kartoy, nesmotrya na IX pervonachalnuyu prosbu zaplatit nalichnimi. Pozje Mi uznali, Chto s Nas vzyali tri chaynika vmesto dvux. Prochitav drugie otzivi, ya bespokoyus, Chto Oni po privichke manipuliruyut schetami. Vzglyanite na Moy schet-Okolo 1,300,000 sumov do vicheta nalogov, bilo zaregistrirovano Kak 1,600,000. Posle nashego zaprosa na ispravlenie Oni prosto annulirovali plateau za obslujivanie v razmere 300 000... Chto proiskhodit?!
V obtshem, Eto restaurant s prekrasnim vidom.
Nadeyus, VI vnimatelno proverite svoy schet I menu.
We entered the restaurant with a happy heart. However, as soon as we entered, they requested we should spend and minimum of 100,000 wasn't a big deal we figured so we sat ourselves. And the manager approved us and asked us to pay in cash or transfer to a bank card. Later, we found out that there were big differences in prices not to mention a mix-up in the order and a very late serving of a dish for one of us when everyone else was finished with the food. Two 50,000 som pastas were 120,000 som and three 40,000 som pastas were 110,000 som. We asked for a correction and waited for a long while, but since we were short on time, we left in a hurry. Anyway, we paid with a card despite their initial request to pay in cash. Later, we found out that we were charged for three tea pots instead of two. After reading other reviews, I am worried that they habitually manipulate bills. Take a look at my bill-about 1,300,000 before tax was registered as 1,600,000 ..after our correction request they just annuled the 300,000 service fee...What was going on?!
All in all, it is a resto with a beautiful view.
I hope you check your bill and menu carefully.