The energy of caves combined with a thousand-year history. It's crowded. The ticket office is located at the parking lot on the opposite side of the mountain from the Golden Buddha. A toilet for foreigners with water next to the parking lot. Climbing the mountain in the midday heat is exhausting. It is necessary to leave shoes at the entrance to the temple complex, so I recommend wearing socks, because in some caves it is sticky, and outside the stones are scalding hot. The shoes are worn by a couple of people and there is a suspicion that impostors are imposing paid services. The ceilings in the caves are interestingly painted, almost like our frescoes, and there is a six-pointed star above one of the entrances. Peacefully reclining Buddhas have a calming effect. Many statues carved into the rock are admired by the skill of ancient sculptors. The panoramic view at the entrance to the caves is magnificent. I didn't like that in one of the caves, they hang threads on their wrists and then ask for a "donation." On the descent to the Golden Buddha, they recklessly bought sliced mangoes, a gang of monkeys immediately surrounded them and began extorting treats, baring their teeth and imitating a bite attempt. I had to go through this formation, waving my backpack. Do not feed the monkeys, no matter how mimic they look, because more adult and aggressive creatures will come running out of the forest.
The statue of the Golden Buddha was in the woods for reconstruction.
The quest involves buying a ticket, because no one warns that the ticket offices are only at the bottom and you can only find them if you do not enter from the main entrance. But in general, the place itself is very beautiful!
The most beautiful cave temple, which is more than 2000 years old. All the statues are in excellent condition, we strongly recommend visiting Sri Lanka.
Keep in mind that the ascent to the temple is a long staircase up.