A good place with great potential for the ecology of the area. Unfortunately, there is no proper landscaping. They do not allow natural vegetation to grow - they mow, thin out, trample. And at the same time, a full-fledged park is also not being done - there is no lighting, only folk paths, a dozen shops on the outskirts. Trees are planted and some of them die by themselves, some are simply broken by vandals. I want to believe that the place will become a recreation area, not a shopping center or a neighborhood.
Когда-то я жил прямо рядом с этим парком. Ходил через него купаться в озере, ино гда летом просто полёживал в парке на травке. Коляску с ребёнком катал по его тропинкам.
Воспоминания только положительные.