Аренда моющего пылесоса в Витебске 40 руб/сутки
Одна порция моющего средства бесплатно.
Большой выбор и всегда в наличии.
Доставим на дом 10 руб. Обращайтесь
40 Br1 d
Кресло коляска
Доставим на дом
50 Br30 d
Аренда тепловизора в Витебске 40 руб/сутки
Доставим по городу 10 руб.
40 Br1 d
Строительный пылесос
Аренда пылесоса в Витебске 35 руб/сутки
Большой выбор и всегда в наличии. Обращайтесь
Доставим по городу 10 руб.
Отдельно покупается мешок - 6 руб .
35 Br1 d
Генератор бензиновый
Аренда бензиновых генераторов в Витебске
2.5 квт - 30 руб/сутки
4 квт - 35 руб/сутки
6.5 квт - 45 руб/сутки
Большой выбор и всегда есть в наличии. Обращайтесь.
Доставим по городу 10 руб.
30 Br1 d
Тепловая пушка газовая
Аренда газовой пушки в Витебске
Всегда в наличии большой выбор
10 КВт - 15 руб/сутки
20 КВт - 20 руб/сутки
30 КВт - 20 руб/сутки
Газовый балон 27 литров - 5 руб/сутки
20 Br1 d
Отбойный молоток
Аренда отбойных молотков в Витебске
20 дж - 25 руб/сутки
40 дж - 35 руб/сутки
50 дж - 40 руб/сутки
В комплекте либо пика либо лопатка, дополнительная оснастка от 2 до 5 руб
Большой выбор и всегда в наличии.Обращайтесь
Доставим по городу 10 руб.
35 Br1 d
Тепловая дизельная пушка
Аренда дизельных пушек в Витебске
20 КВт - 20 руб/сутки
30 КВт - 20 руб/сутки
Большой выбор и всегда в наличии. Обращайтесь
Доставим по городу 10 руб.
Thanks to the "Necessary Things" team, this is just a godsend. I often saw information about the steam cleaner, but I didn't decide, and then I saw a rent for a day and it's just wow. I really didn't believe that it would work so well, but I cleaned the apartment to its original shine in a day. Without exaggeration, the wife is happy. I will definitely come back to you again, I want to check out the window cleaner robot!
The service is excellent, everything was explained, shown and told, you can call and consult with all questions. Great price, super quality and great service. Thanks
Great rental.
They accidentally applied when they urgently needed baby crutches for 1 month, they were not found in other places, but here they were not expensive and excellent in condition.
Later I took a stepladder, the current is without complaints.
There is a huge selection of different products available at normal prices. There is no point in buying anything if you can rent it.
The first time I took a gas drill from them. He said he needed it for one operator. As a result, when I came to drill, I figured out that the gas drill was given to two operators. I suffered with him. When I returned it, the reception said that they knew that the gas tank was given for two oprators and explained, they say, "it's okay, you can adjust." The second time I took an electric concrete cutter. Which failed at the beginning of the work. I returned a low-quality instrument, they offered to refund the money, but I refused. We agreed that next time we will provide a discount on the tool. When I applied for a thermal imager for the third time and reminded about the promised discount, they said that it applies only to the concrete cutter. I'm not going to contact them anymore. I do not recommend this office to anyone.