There was a standard A room, in principle, it is quite possible to spend the night just for three stars.
+ Good location, paid Parking for cars on the territory, a park for walking, friendly staff, salad and two fried eggs were served for breakfast, a drink to choose from (delicious), the room is tidy, neat.
- disgusting WiFi, cold tiles in the bathroom (just icy), slippers were not given, the room is not modern on the third floor and still cold. At night, one froze "Additional services" were not offered.
It is very tasty and inexpensive. The service is super. It's a pity that many people forgot about this place. There are few people. And very wrongly. It's a very emotional environment.
Both the staff and the menu are quite worthy!The presenter is an expert in his field, well done.We had a great time.We will be glad to visit the restaurant again.