A competently and efficiently organized installation with excellent visual. Audio guide with a good translation into Russian. I would like to note the presentation of information: briefly, on the main events and dates, it is not delayed and gives a general idea. Movement through the halls of the museum takes place as part of a small group of people, a dozen or one and a half, there is no crowd.
The technical support is at an excellent level, relative to other museums in Istanbul.
Loud music in the background may confuse you, you should be careful when visiting with young children. But the volume is not higher than in any cinema.
The main point is the multimedia museum!
There are very few exhibits here, some of them are not from the cathedral, but simply to demonstrate analogues.
In fact, a mini-group is assembled at the entrance and led through the rooms, where clips about the creation of the temple and its history are shown, but only since 1453.
The museum itself costs 800 lire.
At the ticket office of St. Sophia Cathedral, they actively advise you to take tickets with the museum.
If you do not know at all about the history of the temple, then it will be interesting and useful to visit this museum. However, it is better to go here before visiting the temple itself.
However, in other cases, you can safely skip it.
Overall, it's a fun interactive museum. In addition to the interactive show, there is a good exhibition of Islamic manuscripts and, unexpectedly, Orthodox icons from the 18th and 19th centuries.
It's not worth the money for my taste, but if you follow all sorts of museum maps, it's worth a look if the queue is small.