After the collective farm in Lars, you come here as to another planet))) Cafes, ATMs, shops, SIM cards, etc. Good asphalt, easy passage - everything is quite cultural. It took a couple of minutes to get in by car. No one found fault, we had a good conversation. But I do not advise you to come here without a car)) On the pedestrian part, the border guards are radically different from those who sit in the car passes... While I was changing money for 10 minutes, I heard enough scandals - they didn't want to let some Georgians back into the country, it seems.
P.S.: I do not advise you to go into the bathroom after entering (from the side of the coffee shop) - it is in terrible condition there))
We went in 2019, August. From Georgia to the Russian Federation. Two lanes were working when there were three cars left before us. A border guard or whatever he is called came out of the booth, put a guard on the road with his feet and left. Like whatever you want. And I don't care that there's a queue of cars. And to change lanes, you know who will let you through, everyone wants to get through faster. Okay, we, and the one who was supposed to stop by for inspection, she had to back up, while waiting for all the cars in front to squeeze into the next queue. And there are cars going bumper to bumper! This is the horror from the Georgian side. And the Russian Federation passed the border in 10 minutes. There was no queue there, but there was a queue on the Georgian side.