A large selection of products and a huge assortment, usually people buy here in the summer to the sea, towards Konai, an excellent option for suburban citizens, so as not to stand in traffic. Nearby settlements are Kemel, Gate City, Koyankus, Yntymak, Otegen Batyr, Bayserke, Ali and several settlements along the Konaev highway
Shopping on the road. The whites were not fresh even after being heated in the microwave. So be careful. Drinks are like everywhere else . The prices are the same. High shelves for goods have always been a strain. So that something doesn't fall on your head. The checkout was served quickly. In general, 4 stars are deserved.
A good selection of goods, a large parking lot with convenient access, there is a bus stop in the parking lot! There are no queues at the checkout, in short, it's a very good store!