Мягкость лаваша и нежность пекинской капусты создают приятный контраст текстур. Кусочки курицы и ломтики томата вносят в блюдо сытность и сочность. Соус гриль добавляет пикантности, а фирменный соус создаёт интересное послевкусие. Свежий огурец вноси
13.7 Br450 g
Четыре сыра шаурма
Мягкость лаваша и нежность пекинской капусты создают приятный контраст текстур. Плавленый сыр и сыр фета добавляют сливочный вкус, а сыр крем-чиз — лёгкую кислинку. Кусочки курицы и ломтики томата вносят в блюдо сытность и сочность
Delicious huge pizza, hot spicy berry tea, pleasant furniture made of light wood, with comfortable chairs and large tables... The prices are quite modest, the service is warm at home, there are few people. The perfect place to eat in a comfortable, relaxed environment, now it's definitely one of my favorite places in Minsk in terms of food.
+The best establishment of delicious hot food.
+In all 5 years of visiting various areas of food, no one treated visitors as well as the people on Gritseva 8.
+ we prepared a warm and delicious order very quickly, "I didn't have time to take off my jacket" as the order was already ready ...
+ Very tasty food with a preponderance ...
+ warm, cozy, pleasant atmosphere.
- people visit BOORS in the early morning with their bad mood, spoiling the smiles of customers and the mood of employees. (Your counter is a "diner") if you get off on the wrong foot, I advise you not to visit such places.
+ to the cashier - consultant) and the guy with the knife in his hands))
Do not treat your work negligently and in a good mood, which makes it very pleasant to be in this place..
On November 1, my husband was commemorated here 1 year after his death in a separate room, everything is very tasty, fresh,portioned salad huge portions -I ate and was already full, and the service is good, thank you, I liked it!