Among other Pennies in this store, for some reason, there is a constant leapfrog. The cashier is torn between his immediate duties and other matters, which, apparently, the owners put on one person in order to save money.
The rest of the workers are also endlessly scurrying around shifting something, in an already cramped room.
Once there was a reverse situation. There were no customers in the store except my husband and me. And we waited for 10 minutes until the cashier, sitting in his place, would talk on the phone with a choice obscenity. They were outraged. They asked for a complaint book. It was provided to us. The book turned out to be not an official document, but a simple journal, not certified in any way.
From such insolence, the husband was generally indignant.
Then my husband's health and nerves became more expensive for me and I persuaded him to just leave and not spoil his psyche by putting things in order in this bedlam.
An ordinary store. But compared to other stores, it's a penny, the range of goods is meager. Very little space. It is difficult to miss other customers near the shelves with goods. There is no department with butchered fresh meat products and semi-finished products.