A one-star rating about slanders and denunciations is just a slander and a denunciation. A baseless rumor surfaced with problems and deceived expectations of parents of Priority students, which, unfortunately, was closed. And the problems there were not because of made-up slurs, but because of the insufficient adaptation of the leadership to Turkey.
An excellent school that allows children who have moved to Turkey temporarily or permanently to live in a Russian-speaking environment. Over the past year, of course, there have been problems associated with explosive growth and the search for an appropriate number of teachers. But, to the credit of the management, these problems, as well as problems with the squares, with government inspections, with the organization of transfers and much more have been resolved.
Many who criticize the teaching staff do not understand that this is not Moscow and there simply are not so many high-class teachers here and it takes time to form a team. But both teachers and management are working on it.
To put it even more essentially, my son wanted to study during his time at school, he likes the class, the teacher, the relationship. And his tutor praises his level in those subjects that are interesting to his son. That is, in school, his desire to learn something is satisfied. What else do you need? At the same time, without nerves, stress and resentment.
And yes, there are a lot of clubs at school, a cool summer camp and a kindergarten. And transfers that collect children in the surrounding area
The management of the Classic-M school behaves extremely unworthily, namely: it writes slanders and denunciations of its only competitor, the Priority Gymnasium. This way of doing business in the field of education is, to put it mildly, dirty. And if you look deeper, it's just cowardice, laziness and meanness. There are a lot of ways to run an honest competitive business in the modern world. Why does someone still not understand that healthy competition and transparency develop the sphere as a whole and work for the benefit of everyone: students, their parents, teachers, and management. And such outdated methods of dirty play only turn away both potential and existing customers, and irrevocably spoil the reputation of the institution.