I went there with my mother-in-law and my friend's wife. The places are empty, the ribby are dancing, the piles of the song are falling (empty). We went in and were glad to be presented with padarkav: my paddock and sacristy gloves, my mother-in-law's lapata and a plastic shroud, and my friend's wife received a package of beetroot and a string from the tractor. We liked these padarkas, and we sang their song pra Hari Krishna with them, and then our "Valinkas" sang
Attention! This is not a review, but a response to the Oleh Nahorny review.
Unfortunately, the comrade, having superficial (as follows from the analysis of his speech) information, undertakes to draw conceptual conclusions. He is also not shy about evaluative (which in itself is possible if based on the truth), but at the same time subjective judgments.
He writes, among other things, accusing the hosts of information unethicality: "My companions and I were not informed, for example, that sweet "sweets" are "prasad" - sacrificed food. And according to their beliefs, even uninformed eating of this food is a way to introduce a person to the service of Krishna and to his consciousness."
Firstly, temple visits are also, first of all, initiation into service. Therefore, if you categorically reject joining the ministry, then you cannot enter the temple. These are already double standards.
Secondly, prasad literally means the mercy of [God]. By calling prasad an idolatrous food, the author of the review shows unity and solidarity with short-sighted atheists who reject the possibility of absolute knowledge, words of Absolute truth written in scripture (including the Koran, for example), because they are written on paper, in human language, and moreover by man (despite the fact that someone believes that he is a prophet; including Muhammad, and for example, may Allah greet him and bless him). That is, not to understand how God can truly manifest himself to people in this life, this is the ignorance of which the author accuses the owners. Double standard again
Also, prasad is any food prepared with gratitude to God and prayers, offered to Him in recognition that everything we live by is His. Just as a child can offer some treats to his father, although the father gave them to the child. But at the same time, Father Booth is very pleased.
In addition, it does not require a special ceremony (although there is one for performance in the temple). This can be done even in the mind (it is quite suitable for followers of Islam), and even a child can do it. Any person, if necessary, anywhere. Thus, prasad has nothing to do with idolatry. For the service of an idol is the worship of something as God, which is not God. Our life can be idolatry if something, anything, is more important to us than God (practically, more important than fulfilling His will, commandments, and instructions). This kind of thing exists in Hinduism. Although there is no such thing as Hinduism in the Vedas, and it is not clear how the author appeals to it, considering himself sufficiently knowledgeable in the matter of Vedic knowledge ("Vedic" is an academic term accepted in scientific circles and is completely optional for use in live communication). Srila Prabhupada, in the passage quoted by ator, just says that Hinduism, in fact, is an invented concept. However, the antagonistic division of people according to their religious affiliation is also far-fetched. There is one religion (God is one) - to understand and love God, to serve Him and all His particles, souls for His satisfaction. So, the author uses the phenomenon of idolatry, which exists in the so-called Hinduism, to criticize the service of God (Allah, by the way, means God, the Most High. Krishna means All-attractive, possessing everything attractive (wealth, beauty, knowledge, renunciation, power, fame) in a superlative degree, in its entirety. That is, the Almighty, that is, God, that is, Allah). At the same time, the author cites Srila Prabhupada's quote as an argument that the Krishna Consciousness movement has nothing to do with sectarian concepts such as Hinduism, etc., in order to appease the owners of hypocrisy. So isn't it hypocritical to accuse Krishna Consciousness of the vices of Hinduism and at the same time criticize it for cheating on the basis that it has nothing to do with Hinduism? The bias, in my opinion, is obvious. Why was Krishna Consciousness presented to him as part of Hinduism? Yes, only because some external guidelines are needed for the surface consciousness. And what is the name of the highest manifestation of knowledge of the entire Vedic tradition, the ancient Aryan civilization, which became the main one of all world cultures and united in its grown purpose with all true religions, but at the same time contained many levels of generation in order to allow all members of society with a difference of consciousness to spiritually progress into the abyss at the time of the God-centered society? The remnants of this ancient world civilization are now called Hinduism, and its monotheistic part is called Vaishnavism. So what's the claim? What is the problem? In nothing, except, unfortunately, the bias and limited knowledge of the author.
I won't even consider the rest of the points here - so, if someone has finished reading, then my bows.
I considered it necessary to write in order not to become complicit in criticizing the true knowledge and sincerity of believers, although, perhaps, people who are still imperfect in some ways.
He also talks about a hypocrite. But at the same time referring to