We went to the Donguz-Orun-Kel lake, but we did not go down to the bottom, but someone is coming down, there is a lake at the foot of the glacier) from the first level of the Cheget cable car.
The road is quite simple, along the Cheget mountain, through mountain streams with clear water that you can drink, you can walk to the lake in 30 minutes - but the descent to it is very steep, it is better not to go without walking sticks)
The views are simply stunning - the seven glacier, the mountain river, flowers on the slopes of Cheget of all kinds. You will definitely not regret it, especially if you have seen, like us, not so many beauties of the Elbrus region🔥🔥🔥
From the entrance to the Azau clearing, the peaks of Nakra-Tau and above it Donguzorun-Cheget-Karabashi are visible. And the Donguzorun Glacier. It's an impressive sight!