Gaukushon, whose name has an unpleasant translation of Slaughterhouse, was engaged in this ugly but important business in the surrounding mahalla. On the left is a madrasah (1570) with remnants of tiles: On the right is a mosque (1598) with a 20-meter minaret: I must say, there are few minarets in Bukhara - the grandiose Kalyan, part of the Great Mosque complex, "sounded" throughout the Old City. The Small Minaret (as it is called by Bukharians) is very similar to Kalyan, even decorated with brick ornaments, and therefore in the wilds of alleys, where it is easier to get lost than in the forest, it is often a false landmark.
Gavkushan madrasa is in the Old City part of Bukhara and is located at the back of The Art Museum.
Madrasa is constantly crowded with tourists and has an ancient history.
Minorai Kalon. A wonderful minaret.
Before which, according to legend, a helmet fell from his head
. And the only building that he
did not touch and decided to leave. Saying at
the same time the only creature before whom he fell
My helmet.