Вкусно. Легко. Постно!
• Гречневая каша с печеными овощами
• Закуска с сальсой и креветками
• Закуска с сальсой и тортильей
• Зеленый салат ...
March 24, 07:12
Понедельник в GARAGE - особенный день для любителей итальянской кухни: каждая вторая порция пасты в подарок. Платите за одну, а получайте дв...
March 15, 07:04
Во вторник вы можете насладиться двумя разными пиццами по цене одной, ведь каждая вторая пицца в подарок!
• каждая вторая пицца ...
March 15, 07:04
Среда в GARAGE для настоящих почитателей национальных блюд, ведь каждая вторая порция драников в подарок! Это прекрасная возможность попробо...
March 15, 07:04
День рождения – отличный повод встретиться в GARAGE ❤️
Мы сделаем ваш праздник атмосферным и уютным, а воспоминания о нем – теплыми и прият...
March 15, 07:03
All news (8)
Updated yesterday
Борщ с закуской из сала
Классический наваристый красный борщ с рваной свининой и нежной сметаной. Подаем с закуской из деревенского сала, приправленного луком и тмином на хрустящих бородинских гренках
12.6 Br350 g
Бульон куриный лайт
Легкий бульон с нежным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и зеленью
8.6 Br290 g
Солянка Garage
12.6 Br280 g
Суп куриный с бриошь
Наваристый бульон с сочным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и лапшой. Подаем с нежной булочкой бриошь
12.6 Br340 g
Запечённые блины с курицей и грибами
Блины в сочетании с куриным филе, шампиньонами, луком и сыром создадут богатый вкус. Сливочный соус добавит блюду нежности. Петрушка станет изюминкой этого блюда
15.7 Br330 g
Налистники с домашним малиновым вареньем
Блинчики с малиновым вареньем в сочетании с сахарной пудрой создадут богатый вкус. Мята добавит блюду свежести
The attitude was very twofold: on the one hand, when I went to lunch, I really liked everything: delicious food, very nice girls, waiters, fast service, a normal price, and they told me about the special offer (30% discount when ordering takeaway).
On the other hand, when I wanted to take advantage of this offer, the impression was greatly spoiled.:
It started with the fact that it was simply impossible to get through on the phone - they did not answer the phone. When I arrived at the cafe, it turned out that in order to take advantage of the discount, the order must be placed through the application (downloading a separate application for each institution in itself is not very tempting, but okay, since I bought the discount, we will receive a discount). After downloading the app, I understand that the prices are already higher than in the menu, well, okay, there is less and less enthusiasm, but we are trying to complete this quest to the end, but in the end we will have another disappointment: there is no 30% discount anymore, but there is only 20% (although if you recalculate yourself, it will be even more less - 19.3. Yes, pennies, but the fact itself is unpleasant). And besides, the evening shift of waiters with the receptionist is not at all as friendly and friendly as it was during the day.
So I went to have dinner somewhere else, and let there be no "super offers", but there will be a fair price and transparent conditions.
Upd: unfortunately, I did not immediately notice the response to my review from a representative of the institution, but when I saw it, I immediately wrote to the specified address, leaving my contact information, but six months have passed and no one has answered my letter or called me back. It's a pity that beautiful words differ so much from actions.
On the other hand, I admit that the 1 star I gave earlier is not entirely fair, because there is also a positive experience from this cafe, so I will give an average score and hope that in the future I will have a reason to raise my rating even more, because in general, the idea itself and the values that are laid down The owners are very close to me. And if it were possible to separately evaluate the experience of communicating with one of the cafe owners at a business event a few years ago, then 10 stars would not be enough for me, but I appreciate the experience of interacting with the final product and I hope my review will help to adjust some business processes to become even better. Good luck!
My favorite place to stay with my family. The waiters are friendly and welcoming. Meanwhile, they are not intrusive. The food is delicious, especially borscht). For people with children, there is a separate room where parents can relax while the children play on a special soft playground. For those who do not like children's noise, there is a separate room where they can also relax and enjoy a wonderful meal.