"Gagra market is a real godsend for everyone who loves an authentic atmosphere and high–quality products! There is an amazing atmosphere of hospitality here, and the vendors are always happy to help and offer something special. The huge selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts and local delicacies is amazing. I was especially impressed with the Abkhazian tangerines and honey – the taste is simply indescribable! I also liked that you can find unique souvenirs and handmade items that will be a great gift for your loved ones. The cleanliness and order of the market, pleasant prices and the goodwill of the sellers make visiting this place a real pleasure. I will definitely come back here again!"
Those who are nostalgic for the USSR will like the market. A large, covered area with shopping malls. It doesn't look well-groomed, but for some reason it's cute.
There you can buy a variety of oriental sweets, local fruits, cheeses and sausages.
You can also have an oriental coffee.
Without really reading the small label, I bought a mutton "local" sausage there,
At home, I found that it was produced in Taganrog.
For some reason, I naively believed that everything that is sold in this market is certainly produced in Abkhazia.
I even asked the saleswoman if it was made here and received an affirmative answer)
Probably this is what left an unpleasant aftertaste.
But maybe she just didn't want to destroy my illusions.
The market is diverse, for every taste. Local fruits at prices not lower than Russian ones , but much sweeter, it is better to take from grandmothers. You can buy souvenirs and things, and be sure to bargain. Spices are arranged in slides, beautifully, but I was afraid to take them, since they lie open (dust is unambiguous) and it is not known what quality. It is better to take industrial, packaged ones - they are also present on the market and you can see the production date and expiration date.