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March 28, 11:01
Updated yesterday
Сплит-сэндвич с курицей Цезарь
5 Br150 g
Сплит-сэндвич с салями и сыром
Сэндвич с пшеничным хлебом, слайсами салями и сыра чеддер, и соусом на основе майонеза и французской горчицы
5 Br150 g
Кофейный напиток итальянской кухни на основе эспрессо с добавлением в него подогретого до 65 градусов вспененного молока
5 Br300 ml
Кофейный напиток на основе молока, представляющий собой трёхслойную смесь из молочной пены, молока и кофе эспрессо. Является идеальным выбором для любителей кофе, которые предпочитают более мягкий и молочный вкус
5 Br300 ml
Кофейный напиток на основе двойного эспрессо с добавлением молока
3.5 Br200 ml
Халвичный раф
Нежный напиток с изысканным вкусом сочетает в себе насыщенный аромат эспрессо и сладость халвы. Кремовая текстура достигается благодаря сливкам и молоку, а тонкий оттенок придаёт сироп макадамии
excellent service, delicious coffee and very attentive staff. there is always cleanliness in the hall and in the work area, they work smoothly and serve quickly.
I would like to highlight Diana separately, she will always help with the choice of a drink and dessert for it, a competent and individual approach to each guest, as well as an order made with love.
I come and go with the warmest feelings every time. Thanks to the girls for their hard work.
Courteous service , but a complete lack of assortment : no cream , no syrups of some kind . The prepared drink has a strange taste, whatever it is. I took gingerbread raff, as a result, there is no cream, and there are no other flavorings either, like a regular latte. A friend took halva rafs and as a result , pieces of halva floated in the coffee , which got stuck in her throat . We come in for 3 days in a row, and only one wish is to throw out the coffee
Teach a girl with glasses to make normal coffee! We ordered two cappuccinos on 12/01/24, but for some reason we didn't find coffee there, there was only milk! They asked to add coffee or redo it, but they were refused! I do not advise buying coffee on this shift!!!
It has been a very long time since I came across such a disgusting cappuccino.