Excellent place for cozy evening
As least one time per year we’re visiting this awesome place. Here you can find everything: very tasty food, delicious cocktails, cozy atmosphere and friendly staff.
There is a regular menu and the gastronomical set, which is updated every year. Actually, we’ve tried here 4 sets (through the years, they update them every year) and every one was special and very interesting. This time we also chose set and it was extremely perfect! The whole set has one common idea of different sides of Nordic cuisine. It consisted of suitable starter, different hot dishes and wonderful dessert as a finish. Of course, we couldn’t resist to our desire to start our evening with a gravlax from the main menu - it definitely worth your attention.
Signature cocktails are very interesting - every one reflects the whole concept of the place. Stones, pine and wood, fire - these ingredients help with the serving :) looks and tastes very good.
I also want to highlight that there is a very very attentive staff. Guys can help you with a choice and can tell you a lot of information about every dish.
Highly recommend!
Являемся постоянными посетителями этого ресторана. Очень уютная обстановка, отличное обслуживание официантов - быстро, иногда в четыре руки)), подробно рас скажут состав блюд, посоветуют лучшее. Невероятно интересные блюда. Где еще можно попробовать хвост бобра, мясо нутрии в еловом дыму, угольную рыбу в морской траве, ребра лося, черные лисички и еще много чего). Коктейли необыкновенные, особенно еловый. Успехов и процветания всей команде! Респект шеф-повару! Очень атмосферное место! Любителям северной кухни - вам сюда! Рекомендуем к посещению! 👍👍👍