Where to begin.... this very historical bunker has a lot of information and history to it. They do offer a lot of equipment from the war time that is still in good condition and can still be used. They allow you to touch the equipment and investigate which makes it very cool. The only reason this museum did not get 5 stars is for the service provided by the receptionist. She refused to communicate with me using a translator and said there are no English tours therefore the 1hour 30min tour was all in Russian which was a pity for me because I believe that the guid had a lot of interesting facts to share but 14 levels underground there is no internet to translate. The tickets were more expensive that what it says here on the site. We payed 1300 rubles per person. On the sight as well it states English guide however that is not the case.
Экскурсия в бункер 703 на Павелецкой оставила очень приятные впечатления! Мест о действительно уникальное, с интересной историей, которую нам подробно и увлекательно рассказала экскурсовод. Девушка была очень дружелюбной, с отличным чувством юмора, что сделало экскурсию еще более живой и запоминающейся. Интерактивные элементы добавили вовлеченности. Рекомендую всем, кто интересуется историей и хочет провести время с пользой и удовольствием!