Un libro scanzonato, leggero e dottissimo per chi ama la poesia e per le folle che dal 1991, dalle universita ai teatri alla televisione, hanno cominciato o ricominciato ad amare Dante per come Benigni lo ha narrato. Il distillato del racconto orale
2499 ₽
Galbraith Robert "The Cuckoo's Calling" мягкий
When a troubled model falls to her death from a snow-covered Mayfair balcony, it is assumed that she has committed suicide. However, her brother has his doubts, and calls in private investigator Cormoran Strike to look into the case. Strike is a war
2109 ₽
Тартт Донна "The Goldfinch" мягкий
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2014Aged thirteen, Theo Decker, son of a devoted mother and a reckless, largely absent father, survives an accident that otherwise tears his life apart. Alone and rudderless in New York, he is taken in by the
2489 ₽
Rowling J.K. "J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Роулинг Дж.К. Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня (на английском языке)" мягкий
Турнир Трёх Волшебников состоится в Хогвартсе. Участвовать могут только волшебники старше семнадцати лет, но это не мешает Гарри мечтать о том, что он выиграет соревнование. Затем на Хэллоуин, когда Кубок Огня делает свой выбор, Гарри с удивлением об
1859 ₽
Rowling J.K. "Harry Potter Boxed Set: The Complete Collection (Children's Paperback) / Роулинг Дж.К. Бокс Гарри Поттера: Полное собрание на английском языке" мягкий
Six years of magic, adventure, and mystery make this luxurious boxed set the perfect gift for Harry Potter fans of all ages. Follow Harry from his first days at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, through his many adventures with Hermione an
12419 ₽
Grisham John. Gray Mountain. -
The year is 2008 and Samantha Kofers career at a huge Wall Street law firm is on the fast trackuntil the recession hits and she gets downsized, furloughed, escorted out of the building. Samantha, though, is one of the lucky associates. Shes offered a
2199 ₽
DeConnick Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster, More Vol.1
Captain Marvel, Earths Mightiest Hero with an attitude to match, is launching into a new adventure Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers, makes a dramatic decision that will alter the course of her life and the entire Marvel Universe. But as Carol takes
1449 ₽
J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone / Роулинг Дж.К. Гарри Поттер и философский камень (на английском языке)" твердый
Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy - until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed giant of a man, enrols at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play. Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The Reason: Harry Potter is a wizard
6179 ₽
Introducing Darwin: A Graphic Guide
Progress in genetics today would not be possible without Darwins revolution, but the mysterious man who laid the rational basis for undermining belief in Gods creation was remarkable timid. He spent most of his life in seclusion; a semi-invalid, ridd
1249 ₽
Omero, Iliade | Baricco Alessandro
Questo volume nasce da un progetto di rilettura del poema omerico destinato alla scena teatrale. Baricco smonta e rimonta lIliade creando ventun monologhi, corrispondenti ad altrettanti personaggi del poema e al personaggio di un aedo che racconta, i
1489 ₽
Stefano Benni Stranalandia. Disegni di Pirro Cuniberti
Una notte di ottantanni fa, durante una spaventosa tempesta, una nave scompare tra le onde di Capo Horn. E linizio di uno dei piu affascinanti misteri del secolo. Due famosi scienziati, Achilles Kunbertus e Stephen Lupus, scampano al naufragio e solo
1709 ₽
Seth Godin We Are All Weird
We Are All Weird is a celebration of choice, of treating different people differently, and of embracing the notion that everyone deserves the dignity and respect that comes from being heard. The audiobook calls for end of mass and for the beginning o
1209 ₽
Michel Faber Undying
How can you say goodbye to the love of your lifeIn Undying Michel Faber honours the memory of his wife, who died after a six-year battle with cancer. Bright, tragic and candid, these poems are an exceptional chronicle of what it means to find the lov
1409 ₽
M.C. Escher. 1898-1972
Twisted mind: The graphic pattern genius of M. C. EscherFrom impossible staircases to tesselated birds, Dutch artist M. C. Escher 1898 1972 crafted a unique graphic language of patterns, puzzles, and mathematics. Dense, complex, and structured by int
2999 ₽
Jarry Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien
Jarry Alfred Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll pataphysicien : Expulse de son logement pour non-paiement de ses loyers, le docteur Faustroll, eminent pataphysicien, part en croisiere fluviale sur son as un esquif compose dun treillis de cuivr
1399 ₽
J. K. Rowling "Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them" твердый
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Trailer. Do you like this video Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them or simply Fantastic Beasts is the first prequel of a series of films based on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them...
1549 ₽
Goytisolo Juan "Don Julían" мягкий
Don Julian April 7, 1937 November 6, 1998 was an American rhythm and blues, funk and soul singer, guitarist and songwriter. Most famous for his work as an RB singer in the 1950s and 1960s, hes also known for composing the soundtrack an...
1189 ₽
Merrill Mark, Lists to Love by for Busy Wives: Simple Steps to the Marriage You Want
Христанская жизнь и культовая практика Христианства From Mark and Susan Merrill, the founders of Family First, comes a collection of lists created for the busy wife who wishes to strengthen her marriage and love her husband well. From Mark and Sus
1529 ₽
Overton The Walls
Working on death row is far from Kristy Tuckers dream, but she is grateful for a job that allows her to support her son and ailing father. When she meets Lance Dobson, Kristy begins to imagine a different kind of future. But after their wedding, she
1499 ₽
Sorrentino Old man Logan. Bordertown
Nine months of the year, the desolate town of Killhorn Falls, Canada is cut off from the rest of the world. Cold and dark, visitors are a rarity. So when the time-displaced Old Man Logan comes to town on a mission, people take notice...especially peo
1349 ₽
Sherman Alexie You Dont Have to Say You Love Me
Sherman Alexie digs deeply in this heartbreaking memoir about his mother. Using both poetry and prose, he lays bare his complicated feelings about his mothers life and death. Retelling stories that are both harrowing and hilarious, Alexie picks apart
1679 ₽
Black Beauty / Sewell Anna / Книга на Английском / Чёрный Красавчик / Сьюэлл Анна
Black Beauty is an 1877 novel by English author Anna Sewell. It was composed in the last years of her life, during which she remained in her house as an invalid. The novel became an immediate best-seller, with Sewell dying just five months after its
1939 ₽
Robert Franek Colleges that Pay You Back
Colleges that Pay You Back.
1325 ₽
The Best 294 Business Schools
The Best 294 Business Schools.
1623 ₽
Wilbur Smith War Cry
War Cry.
1739 ₽
Game of Thrones: White Walker
Character Study: The White Walkers. Do you like this video from ScreenPrism. In that darkness the White Walkers came for the first time. They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders...
1329 ₽
Rowling J. K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. -
The plot follows Harrys second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during which a series of messages on the walls on the schools corridors warn that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened...
1769 ₽
Rowling J.K. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" твердый
Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix.
2359 ₽
J. K. Rowling "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" твердый
Harry Potter HB 7: The Deathly Hallows.
2239 ₽
Romero Nights of the Living Dead: Anthology
In 1968, the world experienced a brand-new kind of terror with the debut of George A. Romeros landmark movie Night of the Living Dead. The newly dead rose to attack the living. Not as vampires or werewolves. This was something new . . . and terrifyin
1439 ₽
Steve Barrett The Total Suspended Bodyweight Training Workout
The Total Suspended Bodyweight Training Workout.
1439 ₽
Iggulden Darien
From acclaimed historical novelist Conn Iggulden, Empire of Salt is an epic new fantasy series of spellbinding imagination. Twelve families. One throne. Welcome to the Empire of Salt. The city of Darien stands at the weary end of a golden age. Twelve
1409 ₽
Watson Reign of Iron
WARRIOR QUEENS AND ROMAN INVADERS DO BATTLE IN THE FINAL VOLUME OF THIS THRILLING EPIC FANTASY TRILOGY.Caesars soldiers have murdered, massacred and pillaged their way through Gaul and loom on the far side of the sea, ready to descend upon Britain -
1159 ₽
Stephen Booth Dead in the Dark
Ten years ago, Reece Bower was accused of killing his wife, a crime he always denied. Extensive police searches near his home in Bakewell found no trace of Annette Bowers remains, and the case against him collapsed.But now memories of the original in
1919 ₽
Gyles Gyles Brandreth Jack The Ripper Case Closed
London. 1894.I am not a detective, chief constable.No, but you are a poet, a freemason and a man of the world. All useful qualifications for the business in hand.So says Police Chief Macnaghten to Oscar Wilde, in a Chelsea drawing room in the company
3119 ₽
Lincoln Child Full Wolf Moon
Legends, no matter how outlandish, are often grounded in reality. This has been the guiding principle behind the exhilarating career of Jeremy Logan, the enigmologist an investigator who specializes in analyzing phenomena that have no obvious explan
2299 ₽
Lussu Un Anno sullaltipiano
Lanno cui si fa cenno nel titolo e relativo al periodo trascorso dalla Brigata Sassari sullAltipiano di Asiago; nel libro si fa riferimento ad una serie di episodi avvenuti in quel lasso di tempo, tra il giugno 1916 e il luglio 1917.Lussu, che pure e
1799 ₽
Pavese Prima che il gallo canti. Il carcere. La casa in collina
I due romanzi han tutte due andamento di memorie, e lo stesso tema generale: la posizione dun intellettuale in un momento di scelta politica, non didee, che quelle son date per gia scelte, ma dazione, di presenza.Italo CalvinoIl carcere e La casa in
1969 ₽
Stern Il coraggio di dire no
Linfanzia e ladolescenza dopo la Grande Guerra, la guerra in Russia, il ritorno a casa, il lavoro, le riflessioni sulla scrittura, la forza commovente della natura: Mario Rigoni Stern non si sottrae ad alcuna domanda, spiega, precisa, discute, affron
1969 ₽
Stern LUltima partita a carte
Nel 1938 Rigoni Stern non aveva ancora diciassette anni. La sua richiesta di entrare in marina crollo miseramente alla domanda: Sai nuotare. Decise allora di arruolarsi fra gli alpini: il suo posto era decisamente quello, fra i muli e le vette, la ne
1479 ₽
Italo Italo Collezione di sabbia Коллекция песка
Calvino manda ogni tanto al quotidiano a cui collabora un articolo su unesposizione insolita, che gli permette di raccontare una storia attraverso una sfilata doggetti: antichi mappamondi, manichini di cera, stampe popolari, vestigia di culture triba
2129 ₽
Italo Calvino La Speculazione edilizia
Un intellettuale disgustato dalla societa e scontento del suo destino cerca difare i soldi dandosi agli affari, ma sara una scelta sbagliata. Un romanzo amaro e spietato di grande attualita.
1969 ₽
Italo Calvino Palomar
Mr Palomar is a delightful eccentric whose chief activity is looking at things. He is seeking knowledge; it is only after you have come to know the surface of things that you can venture to seek what is underneath. Whether contemplating a fine cheese
1969 ₽
Baricco Il Nuovo Barnum
Un nuovo Barnum. Una nuova visita guidata alle cose del mondo, e agli uomini che lo rendono abitabile, o semplicemente piu riconoscibile.Baricco insegue il mondo, e induce i suoi lettori a partecipare la curiosita con cui va a stanare notizie, episod
2809 ₽
Jorge Luis Borges LAleph
The Aleph edit :: J. L. Borges. O God I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a King of infinite space ... One day when no one was home I started down in secret, but I stumbled and fell. When I opened my eyes, I saw the Aleph. The Aleph I
1579 ₽
Baricco Tre scene da Moby Dick
Be the first to ask a question about Tre Scene Da Moby Dick. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. ... BABY DICK. Masterworks for dummies Baricco piazza il suo nome sulla copertina dei capolavori altrui, dopo averli liofili
1409 ₽
Jorde Luis Borges LArtefice
Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo IPA: xorxe lwis borxes, ; Buenos Aires, 24 agosto 1899 Ginevra, 14 giugno 1986 e stato uno scrittore, poeta, saggista, traduttore e accademico argentino. Le opere di Borges hanno contribuito alla letteratu
2109 ₽
Jorge Luis Borges Storia delleternita
El trabajo que da titulo a Historia de la eternidad se ocupa del tiempo y de su negacion, y examina dos concepciones contrapuestas de eternidad: la alejandrina, de raiz platonica, y la cristiana, nacida con la doctrina trinitaria de Ireneo y formaliz
2779 ₽
Jorge Luis Borges Storia universale dellinfamia
In his writing, Borges always combined high seriousness with a wicked sense of fun. Here he reveals his delight in re-creating or making up colorful stories from the Orient, the Islamic world, and the Wild West, as well as his horrified fascination w
2459 ₽
Flaiano Autobiografia del Blu di Prussia
Se in un quadro i cattivi umori del pittore, le sue torbide malinconie, i suoi errori, le sue sfrenate ambizioni condensano e sesprimono, state certi che la, in quel punto, troverete la mia ombra, lombra del Blu. Flaiano scrive i testi racconti, apo
1969 ₽
Flaiano Gioco e il massacro Il
Flaiano Gioco e il massacro Il
2289 ₽
Flaiano Le Ombre bianche
Queste ombre bianche, cioe storie brevi, divertimenti e dialoghi; infine occasioni, satire scritte negli ultimi quindici anni furono radunate da Flaiano nel 1972, nella certezza che la realta avesse ormai superato la satira. Vi ritroviamo dunque il F
2459 ₽
Gadda Eros e Priapo. Versione originale
Benche pubblicato solo nel 1967, il libello psicanalitico e antimussoliniano di Gadda affonda le sue radici negli anni fiorentini, tra il 44 e il 45. E alla rabbia e alla disperazione di quel periodo che Eros e Priapo deve il tono di esasperata polem
3929 ₽
Gadda LAdalgisa. Disegni milanesi
Dopo I promessi sposi, non esiste, nella letteratura italiana, nessuna rappresentazione duna citta cosi ricca, complessa, variegata, sonora come nella bellissima LAdalgisa. Come in Manzoni, la citta e Milano: la storia, la societa, la psicologia, la
3929 ₽
Gadda Verso la Certosa
Allestito fra il 1959 e il 1961 a partire da due libri usciti in esigua tiratura fra gli anni Trenta e Quaranta Le meraviglie dItalia e Gli anni , Verso la Certosa costituisce unautoantologia, di sorprendente bellezza, del miglior Gadda saggista, da
3109 ₽
Sciascia A futura memoria se la memoria ha un futuro
Leonardo Sciascia ha denunciato dalle pagine di quotidiani e settimanali italiani la realta sulla mafia. Lo scrittore, prendendo spunto da diversi fatti di cronaca, e stato tra i primi a sottoporre allopinione pubblica il fenomeno mafioso in termini
3929 ₽
De Roberto La Paura E Altri Racconti Di Guerra
Un soldato racconta in romanesco tutti i fanti dei racconti di de Roberto parlano in dialetto, dando realismo e vivacita alle vicende raccontate di come, caduto nelle mani del nemico, riusci a sua volta a catturare un intero plotone austriaco inventa
2279 ₽
Ugo Foscolo Le Poesie
Let us know whats wrong with this preview of Le Poesie by Ugo Foscolo. Problem: Its the wrong book Its the wrong edition Other. ... Foscolo was born on the Ionian island of Zakynthos. His father was Andrea Foscolo, an impoverished Venetian nobleman,
2049 ₽
Paolini Il Racconto Del Vajont
Il racconto del Vajont aiuta a capire un disastro naturale che non e stato affatto naturale, ma provocato dalluomo. Aiuta anche a capire una tragedia tipicamente italiana, con le grandi e piccole ingiustizie, con i cittadini che si trovano scorretti
2109 ₽
Veronesi Non dirlo. Il Vangelo di Marco
Il Vangelo di Marco e una straordinaria macchina per la conversione dei Romani. Un testo di grande modernita, un vangelo dazione che non puo non riportare alla mente certo cinema di Quentin Tarantino o di Sergio Leone. Sandro Veronesi, scrittore laic
2279 ₽
Кни га Bloomsbury Publishing PLC J. K. Rowling: A Bibliography 1997-2013
J.K. Rowling: A Bibliography 1997-2013 is a book written by Philip W. Errington, the Director for Childrens Books at Sothebys, and published by Bloomsbury. The book published on 26 February 2015 in the UK, and is set to be released in the USA on 23 A
3499 ₽
Millennium. The Girl Who Played With Fire
In this graphic novel adaption of Stieg Larssons The girl who Played with Fire, Mikael Blomkvist, crusading publisher of the magazine Millennium, has decided to run a story that will expose an extensive sex trafficking operation. On the eve of its pu
2799 ₽
Laskas Concussion
Jeanne Marie Laskas first met the young forensic pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu in 2009, while reporting a story for GQ that would go on to inspire the movie Concussion. Omalu told her about a day in September 2002, when, in a dingy morgue in downtown
1079 ₽
Christopher The Shield. Vol. 1: Daughter of the Revolution
Over the centuries, in our nations times of need, a supernatural force appears to battle back the enemies of the United States: THE SHIELD. Today, the country--the whole world--is on the edge of chaos. The middle class is dying as the rich get richer
1011 ₽
Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo | Nitz Jai
When a sudden pardon springs the powerful pyro-kinetic formerly known as Chato Santana from Belle Reve Prison-and frees him from the control of Task Force Xs ruthless commander, Amanda Waller-his only desire is to return home to reunite with his fami
1419 ₽
Rucka Wonder Woman Vol. 3 The Truth
They say the truth will set you free. Thats what Princess Dianathe hero known to the world as Wonder Womanbelieved. But she discovered a far darker truth, learning that her entire life and history had been transformedand it has driven her to madness.
1206 ₽
Black Panther. Vol. 4: Avengers of the New World Book 1
Where next for the Black Panther Find out as a sensational new arc begins Eons ago - before Black Panthers, before Wakanda, before time itself - there were only the Orishas The pantheon of gods and goddesses from which the world as we know it was man
1419 ₽
Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet. Vol. 2
Dark times for the Black Panther, as Ta-Nehisi Coates chronicles the fi nal days of the kingdom of Wakanda As Zenzi and the People poison Wakandas populace against their king, a cabal of nation-breakers is assembled. With few allies of his own to cal
1399 ₽
Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet. Book 3
The full truth of the Peoples revolution - and the power players supporting it - has been revealed Now, TChalla must fight like never before for the fate of his nation - and one of his most trusted allies is back to stand by his side. As the final ba
1419 ₽
Black Panther: World of Wakanda Vol. 1: Dawn of the Midnight Angels
The world building of Wakanda continues in a love story where tenderness is matched only by brutality You know them now as the Midnight Angels, but in this story they are just Ayo and Aneka, young women recruited to become Dora Milaje, an elite task
1429 ₽
Marvels Black Panther Prelude
Wakanda. The most technologically advanced nation in the world is protected by the mighty BLACK PANTHER Before this falls BLACK PANTHER film, learn how TCHALLA became the legendary hero of Wakanda in this ALL-NEW, NEVER-BEFORE-TOLD tale set in the Ma
1269 ₽
Woodworth Foam Roller Exercises
Foam rollers have become a staple of the home gym, and are a trusted tool to avoid injury and aid recovery. Foam Roller Exercises shows you how to make the most of this simple tool with restorative exercises to build core strength, relieve pain, and
1759 ₽
Brian Michael Bendis All-New X-Men Volume 3: Out of Their Depth
The time-displaced young X-Men continue to adjust to a present day thats simultaneously more awe-inspiring and more disturbing than any future the young heroes had ever imagined for themselves. As Jean Grey pushes her powers to the limit, shaking her
The X-Men are shaken to the core by the fallout from Battle of the Atom Kitt y Pryde and the All-New X-Mens faith in Wolverines Jean Grey School has been completely eroded...so where have they gone instead, and what will they do Meanwhile, X-23 joins
1519 ₽
Brian Michael Bendis All-New X-Men Volume 5: One Down
The future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, last seen in Battle of the Atom, are back - and theyre still gunning for yesterdays X-Men But even as the Brotherhood take their next devastating step against the time-tossed teens, the mysteries surrounding Je
1899 ₽
Brian Michael Bendis All-New X-Men Volume 5: One Down
Infinite pasts, infinite futures...infinite loss The Beast is tortured by his decision to bring the original X-Men into the present, but can he repair the damage hes done while the future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is still gunning for the time-toss
1519 ₽
Marjorie Liu Astonishing X-Men - Volume 11: Weaponized
Its the explosive aftermath to the years most talked about wedding The X-Men are on the run, and Northstar accepts a deadly assignment. Meanwhile, newlywed Kyle learns the hard way that marrying Northstar also meant marrying his family. And in this c
1349 ₽
Kelly Sue Deconnick Captain Marvel. Vol. 3: Alis Volat Propriis
Captain Marvels time as an astronomical avenger has pitted her against some of the worst the galaxy has to offer lookin at you JSon. The Haffensye Consortium has been tracking Captain Marvel and Tic for weeks. Now, theyve finally caught up to them bo
1209 ₽
Way Deadpool. Vol. 5: What Happened In Vegas
Its a Vegas vacation done Deadpool-style - full of explosions, D-list super villains and a casino caper that would make George Clooney proud When he puts the squeeze on a mouthy club owner, Deadpool draws the ire of Las Vegas biggest casino bosses an
1269 ₽
Nick Giovannetti Deadpool Classic. Vol. 19: Make War, Not Love
War What is it good for Deadpool And these are his very best combat classics Dig into Wade Wilsons take on Sun Tzus Art of War, the definitive work on military strategy. What Its totally in the public domain, and ripe for being ripped off Then, get
2829 ₽
Waid Indestructible Hulk Vol. 3: S. M. A. S. H. Time
Can history survive the Hulk Spinning out of the events of Age of Ultron, Hulk goes on his most dangerous mission yet when a secret time-traveling subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D. enlists him to save the space-time continuum The timestream cracks under th
1519 ₽
Hopeless Inferno: Warzones
Spinning out of the universe-shattering events of Secret Wars comes a new twist on the X-Men classic thats a whole hell of a lot hotter than you remember. 5 years ago a band of demons rose up out of the fiery depths and turned Manhattan into Hell on
1349 ₽
Silver Surfer Vol. 3: Last Days
Contains material originally published in magazine form as Silver Surfer №11-15.
1429 ₽
Lemire Wolverine: Old Man Logan vol. 4
Jubilee is missing And to find her, Logan will have to team up with a supernatural super-team - the Howling Commandos But as a monster war begins, will the old man who was Wolverine be prepared for what this investigation will uncover Follow Logan to
1419 ₽
Scott Lobdell X-Men: Age of Apocalypse. Vol. 2: Reign
The world groans under the Darwinian conqueror Apocalypses rule. Under his thumb, America has become a dark and dangerous dystopia where mutants rule, humankind suff ers, and survival of the fi ttest is all But in the shadows, the freedom fighters kn
2829 ₽
Rivera America Vol. 2: Fast and Fuertona
America Chavez faces her biggest threat yet: Exterminatrix As the Midas Corporation invades every corner of Americas new life, shell have to learn some new tricks to take them down-with help from family she didnt even know she had Plus: Americas neve
1409 ₽
Walter Scott Scott on Waterloo
On the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo discover a fascinating primary source: Walter Scotts accounts of his journey to the battlefield In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Waterloo tourists flocked from Britain to witness the scene
1169 ₽
R. Bradbury FAHRENHEIT 451 MTI
More than sixty years after its original publication, Ray Bradburys internationally aclaimed novel Fahrenheit 451 stands as a classic of world literature set in a bleak, dystopian future.
1509 ₽
Severgnini Signori, si cambia. In viaggio sui treni della vita
Il viaggio piu affascinante e un viaggio antico, graduale, privato e sociale insieme: il viaggio in treno. I treni sono teatri, caffe, bazar. Lunico talk-show che non conosce crisi e quello che si replica quotidianamente sulle rotaie. La confidenza g
3109 ₽
Guarecshi LUmorismo di Giovannino senza baffi. Opere . Vol. 3
LUmorismo di Giovannino senza baffi. Opere . Vol. 3.
6049 ₽
Eduardo De Filippo Natale in casa Cupiello
Il presepe e la sua magia in una Napoli che del disincanto si nutre, pur con il sorriso sulle labbra. Commedia indimenticabile, di cui esiste anche una popolare versione televisiva, che mescola ironia, lievita e malinconia: gli ingredienti classici
1729 ₽
Eduardo De Filippo Gli Esami non finiscono mai
Gli esami non finiscono mai, e una commedia in un prologo e tre atti, scritta e interpretata da Eduardo De Filippo nel 1973 inserita dallo stesso autore nel gruppo di opere che ha chiamato Cantata dei giorni dispari. E questa lultima commedia scritta
1899 ₽
Eduardo De Filippo Napoli milionaria
E la seconda guerra mondiale la protagonista di questo dramma eduardiano. E Gennaro di guerre mondiali ne ha viste ben due, molto diverse tra loro eppure cosi uguali nella drammaticita assoluta che lascia senza fiato. Viene anche rappresentato lo sfr
1899 ₽
Come insultavano gli antichi. Dire le parolacce in greco e in latino. Testo greco e latino a fronte
Linsulto puo essere considerato un vero e proprio genere, praticato fin dallantichita. Questa piccola raccolta, realizzata saccheggiando i piu grandi autori greci e latini, dimostrera al lettore di oggi come anche le ingiurie e le espressioni oscene
1579 ₽
Hage Abraham Fabert: Du Clientelisme Au Marechalat 1599-1662
Cet homme eut un courage intrepide, une application infatigable, une conduite irreprehensible, et une capacite si diversifiee, quon na jamais bien su le plus beau de ses talents. Telle etait selon Courtilz de Sandras la reputation dAbraham Fabert 159
2919 ₽
Hage Le chevalier de Bellerive: Un pauvre diable au XVIIIe siecle
Le chevalier de Bellerive a cherche a se distinguer dans les Lettres durant toute sa vie avant de finir en prison, fou. Presque tous ses ecrits sont restes a letat de manuscrit. Le destin du chevalier met en lumiere les difficultes dun auteur a trouv
3989 ₽
V. M. Manfredi Limpero dei draghi
Anatolia, 260 d.C. Lassedio dei Persiani ha stremato la resistenza della citta romana di Edessa, limperatore Valeriano e stato catturato insieme al capo della sua guardia personale, Marco Metello Aquila, eroe dellimpero e leggenda vivente, e ad altri
2159 ₽
V. M. Manfredi Idi di Marzo
V. M. Manfredi Idi di Marzo
1989 ₽
Valerio Massimo Manfredi lo Scudo di Talos
Abbandonato dai genitori in tenera eta in nome della crudele legge di Sparta, Talos, lo storpio, cresce tra gli iloti, salvato e accudito da un vecchio pastore che gli insegna a opporsi a un destino gia assegnato. Nonostante la deformita, il suo cora
2419 ₽
V. M. Manfredi Larmata perduta
Una delle piu epiche avventure delleta antica: la lunghissima marcia, attraverso incredibili pericoli e peripezie, che diecimila mercenari greci dopo la disfatta del principe persiano Ciro, sotto le cui insegne si erano battuti, contro il fratello Ar
2159 ₽
Le paludi di Hesperia
401 a.C.: spossata da trentanni di guerra tra Atene e Sparta, la Grecia e in ginocchio. Nel momento di piu profonda crisi, il comandante Clearco arruola un esercito di mercenari greci: larmata dei Diecimila. Quale sia la sua missione non e chiaro. Si
2079 ₽
V. M. Manfredi I cento cavalieri
Archeologo ed autore di celebri romanzi storici, tra cui la trilogia Alexandros, Valerio Massimo Manfredi si cimenta in questo testo inedito con la forma del racconto. Che siano ambientate nellantica Grecia o nelle corti rinascimentali, ai tempi dell
1989 ₽
V. M. Manfredi Il Tiranno
V. M. Manfredi Il Tiranno
2159 ₽
V. M. Manfredi Teutoburgo
Armin e Wulf, figli del principe germanico Sigmer, vengono catturati da una pattuglia di soldati romani. Devono abbandonare la terra natale e il padre, per essere condotti a Roma. Sono principi, per quanto barbari. E saranno educati secondo i costumi
2419 ₽
Valerio Massimo Manfredi Zeus e altri racconti
Un templare che, sulla strada per Roncisvalle, affida a un prode cavaliere una misteriosa quanto preziosa missione. Un trovatore provenzale in cerca di ispirazione per i suoi poemi. Un tribuno romano impegnato in un avventuroso viaggio sulla regina d
1989 ₽
Il ritorno. Il mio nome e Nessuno
Ci sono voluti dieci anni ininterrotti di guerra e di sangue, di amori feroci e di odio inestinguibile, per sconfiggere i Troiani. Ora Odysseo deve rimettersi in viaggio con i suoi uomini per fare ritorno a Itaca, dove lo attendono la moglie fedele e
2079 ₽
Valerio Massimo Manfredi Il Mio nome e Nessuno. L Oracolo
Il Mio nome e Nessuno. L Oracolo.
2249 ₽
Valerio Massimo Manfredi Archanes e altri racconti
A huge international bestseller, Alexander, Child of a Dream is the first in Valerio Massimo Manfredis outstanding trilogy of brutal passion and grand adventure in ancient Greece.
2249 ₽
Rotterdam Elogio della follia
You can write a book review and share your experiences. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new book
1559 ₽
Jorge Luis Borges Altre inquisizioni
Altre inquisizioni e una raccolta di saggi scritta da Jorge Luis Borges nel 19521 Contiene circa 35 brevi articoli tra la critica letteraria e il racconto filosofico2. Lautore commenta, tra laltro, opere di Blaise Pascal, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Joh
1359 ₽
Villaggio Giudizio universale
Si accende una luce accecante. Uno spazio enorme, di cui non si vedono i confini. Ci sono tante nuvolette che sembrano batuffoli di cotone. Poi un profumo molto gradevole, leggero, che poi non e un profumo, perche quando arriva subito si dissolve, co
2599 ₽
Benni Stefano. Elianto. -
Riusciranno i nostri intrepidi eroi a superare tutte le prove e trovare l elisir che guarisca il giovane Elianto e gli faccia salvare la contea Se si fugge di notte da Villa Bacilla sulle ali di una diavolessa sexy, sorvolando Tristalia, assieme a tr
1649 ₽
Stefano Benni Terra
Venta de libros y envio a todo el mundo. Condiciones de uso Privacidad Mapa de Clasificados. Aviso en cumplimiento de la ley: Esta pagina web utiliza cookies.
1649 ₽
Stefano Benni Achille pie veloce
Книга Achille pie 232 veloce Benni S. Ulisse, giovane scrittore con un libro alle spalle, scarso futuro e incerto presente, lavora in una...
1649 ₽
Stefano Benni Comici spaventati guerrieri
Atrast visas pieejamas gramatas ISBN numuru 9788807885389 atri un viegli salidzinat cenas un Piesakiet tulit. Pieejami retas gramatas, lietotas gramatas un lietotas gramatas nosaukums NUOVO o USATO Comici spaventati guerrieri no Stefano Benni ir piln
1559 ₽
Stefano Benni Ballate
Dieci anni di poesie, ballate, canzoni, invettive, filastrocche per divertirsi, per arrabbiarsi, per far arrabbiare i tromboni.
1179 ₽
Camilleri La Banda Sacco
Allinizio, nel secondo Ottocento, ce il patriarca Luigi Sacco, bracciante dingegno e passione. Vengono poi i discendenti, grandi lavoratori tutti, e socialisti, tra emigrazione transoceanica e chiamata alle armi nella Grande Guerra, malversazioni e c
2249 ₽
Marco Consentino I fantasmi dellImpero
In Africa Orientale Italiana, fra il 1937 e il 1938, lImpero da poco proclamato e ufficialmente pacificato. In realta e scosso da violente rivolte, in particolare nella ampia regione nord-occidentale dellEtiopia, al cui vertice per volonta di Benito
2599 ₽
Tabucchi L automobile, la nostalgia e linfinito
Cosi raccontava Fernando Pessoa parlando dei suoi eteronimi, le sue voci di dentro, i suoi altri da se a cui aveva attribuito una biografia e unopera letteraria: Ricordo quello che mi sembra sia stato il mio primo eteronimo o, meglio, il mio primo co
2079 ₽
Papini Gog
AbeBooks.com: Gog by Giovanni Papini Fikret Adil and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.
4619 ₽
Fo Dario e Dio
Dario e Dio.
1859 ₽
Dario Fo , Ciulla, il grande malfattore Italian Edition Чулла, великий злодей
Scandali finanziari, abusi edilizi, corruzione politica e una crisi economica che arricchisce i pochi e impoverisce le masse. E Roma nel 1884, quando ci arriva Paolo Ciulla, giovane catanese assai versato nel disegno. Vuole studiare architettura e di
2039 ₽
Fo Storia proibita dellAmerica
I film di Hollywood raccontano le vicende degli indiani sconfitti. Ma ignorano la storia dellunica tribu che non si arrese mai: i Seminole, una societa matriarcale e pacifica, nemica della schiavitu, con protagonisti indimenticabili. Come John Horse,
2779 ₽
Fo Il Boccaccio riveduto e scorretto
Il Boccaccio riveduto e scorretto.
4079 ₽
C L Werner Overlords of the Iron Dragon
Far above the highest mountain peaks, a new power has arisen. The duardin have developed new technology and weapons of war, and now they sail the skies in their amazing airships, seeking wealth and plunder. Brokrin Ullissonn, captain of the airship A
1689 ₽
Hosseini Khaled "Sea Prayer. The Sunday Times and New York Times Bestseller" твердый
K. Hosseini Sea Prayer
1489 ₽
Shamsie Kamila "Home Fire" мягкий
1059 ₽
John John Frankensteins Brain: Puzzles and Conundrums in Mary Shelleys Monstrous Masterpiece
200 years on from the first publication of Frankenstein, John Sutherland delves into the deepest, darkest corners of Mary Shelleys gothic masterpiece to see what strange and terrifying secrets lie within. Is Victor Frankenstein a member of the Illumi
1279 ₽
Rowling J.K. "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. The Original Screenplay" твердый
At the end of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald was captured in New York with the help of Newt Scamander. But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escapes custody and sets about gathering followe
1679 ₽
A Gastric Band is a radical, surgical operation that reduces the available space in the stomach. Paul McKennas Hypnotic Gastric Band is a psychological procedure that can help to convince the unconscious mind that a gastric band has been fitted, so t
1159 ₽
Solzhenitsyn Archipielago Gulag III
En las tres partes que componen este volumen El presidio, El confinamiento y Stalin ya no esta, el autor aborda los ultimos anos de la dictadura de Stalin y de sus sucesores, y explica como un cuarto de siglo despues de que la Revolucion lo aboliera
3859 ₽
Pearce Solzhenitsyn
3489 ₽
Solzhenitsyn Archipielago Gulag II
Con fidelidad sobrecogedora, alexandr solzhenitsyn describe en archipielago gulag el regimen de terror que imperaba en los campos de internamiento y de castigo sovieticos durante el pasado siglo xx. Gracias a su obstinacion por restituir aquello que
3859 ₽
Nemirovsky Vida de Chejov
Vida de Chejov.
2219 ₽
Rowling J.K. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Illustrated Edition Роулинг Дж.К. Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня иллюстрированное издание на английском языке" твердый
pDragons Daring Danger The first fully illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is an extraordinary creative achievement by two extraordinary talents. Jim Kays inspired reimagining of J.K. Rowlings classic series has captured a devo
4989 ₽
Герман Гессе "Кризис" твердый
Цикл стихотворений Германа Гессе Кризис 1928 был написан будущим нобелевским лауреатом в период работы над знаменитым романом Степной волк. По первоначальному замыслу автора некоторые из этих стихотворений должны были войти в роман и принадлежать пе
1199 ₽
The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring (Братство Кольца. Властелин Колец)
The first part of J. R. R. Tolkiens epic adventureTHE LORD OF THE RINGS
1809 ₽
Barrie James Matthew. Peter Pan (Exclusive). Wordsworth exclusive collection
The magical Peter Pan comes to the night nursery of the Darling children, Wendy, John and Michael. He teaches them to fly, then takes them through the sky to Never-Never Land, where they find wolves, Mermaids and... Pirates. The leader of the pirates
1059 ₽
J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Minalima Edition (J. K. Rowling) Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната Миналима / Книги на английском
Prepare to be dazzled by this new edition of J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, designed and illustrated by MinaLima. With over 150 full-colour illustrations and eight exclusive, interactive paper-engineered elements, readers can
6589 ₽
To Paradise
The eagerly anticipated novel from Hanya Yanagihara, a brilliant exploration of inclusion and exclusion, race and empire, sexuality and disease, love and family.
2889 ₽
Arthur Conan Doyle. The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes and His Last Bow
The title story recounts how Sherlock Holmes is brought out of retirement to help the government foil a German plot on the eve of the First World War.These two fascinating sets of stories make a glorious farewell to the greatest detective of them all
1909 ₽
Return of Sherlock Holmes, the
Evil masterminds beware Sherlock Holmes is back Ten years after his supposed death in the swirling torrent of the Reichenbach Falls locked in the arms of his arch enemy Professor Moriarty, Arthur Conan Doyle agreed to pen further adventures featuring
1859 ₽
The Jungle Book: Including The Second Jungle Book
The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the human foundling adopted by a family of wolves. It tells of the enmity between him and the tiger Shere Khan, who killed Mowglis parents, and of the friendship between the man-cub and Bagheera, the black panther,
569 ₽
Tess of the d'Urbervilles / Тэсс из рода д'Эрбервиллей / Книга на Английском
Cultivating high yields, community, and self-sufficiency from a home farm - start growing food today - meet the best varieties, tools, and tips for success - turn your mini farm into a business - nurture yourself, your family, and your neighbors
1859 ₽
Moby Dick
Moby Dick is the story of Captain Ahabs quest to avenge the whale that reaped his leg. The quest is an obsession and the novel is a diabolical study of how a man becomes a fanatic.But it is also a hymn to democracy. Bent as the crew is on Ahabs appal
1859 ₽
Дойл Артур Конан "Английский с Шерлоком Холмсом. Долина страха"
В заключительной повести о Шерлоке Холмсе знаменитый сыщик и его верный спутник доктор Ватсон расследуют убийство человека, двадцать лет назад бросившего вызов одной из самых опасных и безжалостных банд Америки. Повесть адаптирована по методу Ильи Фр
1069 ₽
The Fellowship Of The Ring | Tolkien John Ronald Reuel
Сказочная художественная литература, фэнтезиSpecial unjacketed hardback edition of the first part of J.R.R. Tolkiens epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with gold fo
2829 ₽
Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King
Сказочная художественная литература, фэнтезиSpecial unjacketed hardback edition of the final part of J.R.R. Tolkiens epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with silver
2829 ₽
Букинистическая литература на иностранных языках
John Fowles The Collector
Withdrawn, uneducated and unloved, Frederick collects butterflies and takes photographs. A chance pools win enables him to capture the art student Miranda and keep her in the cellar of the Sussex house he has bought with the windfall. The situation i
1879 ₽
Jacky Girardet "Campus 1" мягкий
Methode de francais pour grands adolescents et adultes sur 4 niveaux...
2599 ₽
Clive Oxenden "New English File: Workbook Upper-intermediate level" мягкий
New Upper-Intermediate edition of the course that gets students talking.
2189 ₽
Frank Frank Dune HB
The Duke of Atreides has been manoeuvred by his arch-enemy, Baron Harkonnen, into administering the desert planet of Dune. Although it is almost completely without water, Dune is a planet of fabulous wealth, for it is the only source of a drug prized
2379 ₽
Gregory David Roberts "Shantaram" мягкий
This debut novel is based on the authors dramatic and extraordinary true story of life on the run in the Bombay underworld. Книга на анлийском языке.Шантарам - роман австралийского писателя Грегори Дэвида Робертса. Впервые издан в Австралии, в 200
2489 ₽
Quentin Meillassoux Apres La Finitude
Dans quelques rares rйgions du monde, il est possible de publier un ouvrage de mйtaphysique tout en ne connaissant rien ou presque de lhistoire de la mйtaphysique, ni rien du tout des dйbats contemporains. Non pas а compte dauteur les catalogues des
3219 ₽
Transtromer Das groce Ratsel
Das groce Ratsel. Gedichte.
3499 ₽
Jarry Les jours et les nuits
Je compte les jours, ils me paraissent si longs. Je taime tellement.Je suis folle,lamour que je te porte me rend dependante.Jai beaucoup de choses a te dire et pourtant je me tais, te voir me fait du bien.
1179 ₽
Jim Dodge Rain on the River
Rain on the River is a natural soundscape composed of an hour-long on-location digital stereo quasi-binaural field recording. This recording technique produces a three-dimensional audio image when listening with earphones or headphones.
1189 ₽
Pavese Fuoco grande
Questo testo fu ritrovato, postumo, fra le carte di Pavese: e il romanzo, incompiuto, di un amore e di un segreto, scritto a quattro mani con unamica la stessa cui sono dedicati i Dialoghi con Leuco. Silvia ritorna a Maratea dopo lungo tempo, accompa
1639 ₽
Jorde Luis Borges Il Manoscritto di Brodie
Due fratelli, violenti e solitari, vivono chiusi nel cerchio di un rapporto esclusivo. Quando scoprono di essere innamorati della stessa donna, non esitano a sbarazzarsi di lei e di un sentimento che li umilia per tornare alla loro vecchia vita di uo
2619 ₽
Flaiano Diario degli errori
Pochi libri sono rappresentativi di Flaiano come questo Diario degli errori, con il suo irresistibile blend di illuminismo tenebroso e pessimismo comico prima che cosmico. Disteso lungo larco di un ventennio dal 1950 ai primi anni Settanta e costruit
1969 ₽
Flaiano La Solitudine del satiro
Flaneur inveterato, illuminista paradossale e lieve, Flaiano passeggia per Roma e la guarda tranquillamente deteriorarsi. Luoghi comuni, accademismi, velleita, mode e vezzi di una cultura che, sul finire degli anni Sessanta, si parla e sparla addosso
2459 ₽
Flaiano Lo Spettatore addormentato
Chiunque si sia appisolato a teatro o durante un concerto sostiene Flaiano sa bene che e nel passaggio dalla veglia al sonno che la rappresentazione o la melodia o il dialogo si liberano da ogni scoria: in quei brevi istanti, insomma, si ha lo spet
2459 ₽
Harvey Harvey Wood: Craft, Culture, History
Histories of materials continue to rise in popularity, exemplified by this excursion into the uses and aesthetics of wood. Green, a student and practitioner of the craft of woodworking, spans the remarkable range of objects created from trees through
2286 ₽
Eduardo De Filippo Serata dOnore
Insomma, non mi sbilancio, ma questo libro merita il massimo dei voti. Questa breve raccolta di scritti di Eduardo estrapolati da altre raccolte di scritti pubblicate tra il 1954 e il 1985, ci restitiscono tutta larguzia, lintelligenza e la cultura d
1639 ₽
Valerio Massimo Manfredi Faraone delle sabbie
Il faraone delle sabbie par Valerio Massimo Manfredi.
2079 ₽
Giovanni Brizzi Scipione e Annibale. La guerra per salva re Roma
Storia, politica e strategia nelle vite parallele di due grandi uomini: racconto e ricerca si intrecciano in pagine piu verosimili del vero.
2079 ₽
Fo Apocalisse rimandata ovvero benvenuta la catastrofe
Un bel mattino, a Milano, a Roma, o in qualsiasi altra citta del mondo, le lampadine non si accendono, il frigorifero e spento, niente caffe al bar, niente benzina alle pompe. In un batter docchio crollano banche e assicurazioni, il denaro non vale p
2779 ₽
Fo La Bibbia dei villani
Esistono Bibbie degli imperatori, splendidamente miniate, ed esistono, meno appariscenti e meno note, ma non meno preziose, Bibbie dei villani. Sono le Bibbie dei contadini, dei piccoli mercanti e degli artigiani, insomma del popolo minuto, che la tr
3709 ₽
Вы готовы бросить курить раз и навсегда Вы хотите бросить курить, но беспокоитесь, что наберете вес Хотели бы вы прекратить любую тягу в считанные минуты Вы устали от людей, говорящих вам бросить курить Вы беспокоитесь о том, как курение наносит вред
1159 ₽
Romain Rolland Vida de Tolstoi
Romain Rolland Vida de Tolstoi
3099 ₽
Solzhenitsyn Archipielago Gulag III
Describes individual escapes and attempted escapes from Stalins camps, a disciplined, sustained resistance put down with tanks after forty days, internal exile as continued imprisonment, and the survival of the system after Stalins death.
3859 ₽
Учебные карты
Карта "Российская Федерация. Федеративное устройство". Крым в составе РФ
Карта Российская федерация. Федеративное устройство. Масштаб 1:5 700 000. На картоне. Матовая ламинация.
1379 ₽
РУЗ Ко Физическая карта Российская Федерация Крым в составе РФ (Кр92п), 98 × 98 см
Физическая карта Российской Федерации отпечатана на мелованном картоне, ламинированная. На карте показана территория РФфизическая карта и дана справочная информация о высочайших вершинах, вулканах, реках, озерах и т.д. Карта может использоваться как
1379 ₽
Атлас Принт Карта России политико-административная 1:3 (4607051071360), 300 × 160 см
Большая настенная политико-административная карта России. 2,951,58 м. Мелованная бумага, матовая ламинация. Отпечатана в Италии. Цветом выделены все субъекты Российской Федерации, подписаны их названия и центры, показаны границы и подписаны названия
5639 ₽
Политическая карта мира с флагами, Крым в составе РФ
Политическая карта мира с флагами, Крым в составе РФ на картоне с матовой ламинацией В нижней части карты даны флаги государств мира.
1379 ₽
Карта наст. Мир. Природные зоны, растения и животные
карта наст.Мир.Природные зоны,растения и животныемасштаб 1:34 000 000
1249 ₽
Атлас Принт Карта Мира политическая (4607051072114), 143 × 143 см
Настенная карта мира. Размер 202 на 143см
2939 ₽
Атлас-принт Административная настенная карта Московской области 1:280 / размер 143х102см
Карта наст.Москва и Московская областьМастаб 1:280000
1249 ₽
РУЗ Ко Солнечная система светящаяся в темноте в подарочном тубусе (Кр714пт), 90 × 60 см
Солнечная система. Настенная карта на картоне. Карта отпечатана на плотном картоне, формат 90х60см. На карте дана справочная информация о самой системе и ее планетах. Кроме этого показана хронология нашей космонавтики от запуска первого искусственно
1449 ₽
Атлас-принт Настенная карта Москвы размер 1,07х1,57 м в стиле "экодизайн".
Современная карта Москвы в стиле Экодизайн
1129 ₽
Карта мира физическая(большая). Настенная карта с ламинацией.
Карта мира физическая большая. Настенная карта с ламинацией.1:20 000 000, формат 150х97 см, 1 лист, матовая ламинация.
1379 ₽
Карта Звездное небо 1,43х1,02 м
Карта Звездное небо 1,43х1,02 м
1179 ₽
Атлас-принт Настенная карта России на рейках (политико-административная) "Экодизайн"/размер 202х143см матовая ламинация
Карта настенная Россияэкодизайн мат.лам.
2939 ₽
Карта москва 1,60х2,12 КН121
Карта МОСКВА 1,60х2,12 КН121
4329 ₽
КартаПолитич. карта мирас флагами 1:24млн.124х80лам. в тубусеПРО карта
Настенная интерактивная карта Мира политическая с голосовым помощником. 3 обучающих режима. Работает с Алисой.
1599 ₽
Карта наст. Москва и Московская область в тубусе 2,17х1,60
Карта наст.Москва и Московская область в тубусе 2,17х1,60
4969 ₽
Москва современная. Карта города. 1,09х1,60
1:34 000; с каждым домом, с указателем улиц,цветная,глянцевая,ламинированная
1759 ₽
Карта Москва и Московская область, 1,60х1,09
Настенная карта Московской области административная с врезкой Москвы и справочным материалом.
1759 ₽
Букинистическая учебная литература
Clive Oxenden "New English File Pre-intermediate: Workbook with key and MultiROM Pack" мягкий
This is the pre-intermediate coursebook that gets students talking, and that helps teachers and students more than any other.
2879 ₽
Clive Oxenden "New English File Intermediate. Workbook" мягкий
The perfect balance of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and skills to get your students speaking English with confidence.
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Наталья Сергеевна Демина Повседневный испанский в ситуации общения El espanol cotidiano en situacion de comunicacion. В 2-х ч. Ч. 1