Мягкий сыр «Белая фета» от компании «Беловежские сыры» производится исключительно из натуральных ингредиентов. А значит, он не только вкусен, но и полезен для здоровья.
Фета содержит много витаминов группы A, B, E, D, PP, а также кальций, фосфор...
1 Br
Белая брынза — мягкий сыр, который обладает приятным вкусом и содержит много полезных веществ. Продукт богат витаминами A, B, C, E, PP, а также кальцием, магнием, калием, фосфором, железом и цинком. Благодаря этому регулярное употребление брынзы п...
I don't know what's the matter.Maybe they sell a fake in St. Petersburg.
Moreover, it was bought not in retail, but in the Belarusian Products store. I realized that all sorts of fakes were being poured into these supposedly Belarusian stores (I also bought ghee there, however, from another manufacturer, which does not exist in nature at all)
White cheese cheese of your brand.
The taste of beef fat is clearly present.And the consistency of it is like plastic, it breaks down like frozen fat.In the trash.
The girl in the review of Ghee oil wrote that there is clearly fat with dye.
In general, either the counterfactual, or the manufacturer..
Your GHEE oil is not oil at all, it's a shame to deceive you like that, it's a tinted and flavored, white substance, presumably a kombijir, I doubted when I found white specks in it, melted it in a water bath, flecks of dye sank to the bottom. It turned white when it cooled down. There's no need to be so ashamed, apparently there's money in front of your eyes, money. In the photo, your "oil" is in a small jar after solidification.
The most tasteless cheeses of Belarus, not only have no taste, bitter and very unpleasant to the taste, they also always mold, they do not keep up with deadlines!!!I do not recommend it to anyone!!!