They got a haircut and thanks for that. 🤣
Whether to be afraid to use a hair dryer, or save money, after removing all the facial hair under the nozzle of the top of the head, why not blow them off immediately? They keep cutting it, you squint the whole haircut, your whole face is covered in hair, everything gets into your eyes and nose. The impression is not very good.
The tips were trimmed. First, 118 rubles were withdrawn from the card, instead of 18. Thank God they saw it and gave it in cash. I came home and saw that my jacket was burned with paint. I do not recommend a parikhmakherskaya. For cutting the tips, 18 rubles. In other excellent parishioners, the price is lower and better
It's just a mess, I hate your company, I knew it was better not to go there, but I didn't have time, because of your haircut, all plans were cut short, don't ever come here.