Antalya Central Bus Station.
Buses in all directions.
There are places to sit.
Toilets are all paid 10 liras.
There are many ticket agencies.
Cafes, stalls: food, souvenirs.
It's just like in Russian regional bus stations.
Private traders offer their transportation services, prices are slightly higher than at the bus station.
I had to use the bus transfer to Istanbul, due to the fact that we could not buy a suitable Antalya-Istanbul plane ticket, and the ticket from Istanbul to Russia had already been purchased.
The bus ticket was bought through the Tu-Tu app - very convenient.
I want to warn everyone to be careful: the bus from the ISPARTA PETROL TURIZM car carrier was late at its destination Alibeyky Bus station (this station is closest to the new Istanbul airport)-by more than two hours.
It's good that we bought tickets with a large margin.
I recommend: if you have already had to take the bus, buy tickets with a good margin, even better for a day.
I recommend it only if there are no other options.
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Important: if you got here, for example, from the airport to go to your village on the coast to relax, then you did everything right. Now the main thing is not to make mistakes on the spot. The bus station is very strictly divided into long-distance travel and local transportation. You should go to the local one. The buses there are small, like our slots, but with trunks at the bottom. Keep in mind that buses run at short intervals to popular destinations. Feel free to go out onto the platform and look for the right sign on the bus face. With a high degree of probability, you will leave right here. Important: take only the bus that has your village in its face! The fact is that the local mafia does not allow drivers to carry "not their own" passengers, and if you think that you will pass by anyway (and the bus goes to a further one), you have every chance that you will pass by. If your village is not written on the face, be sure to ask the driver, don't get your hopes up, I've seen enough of these scandals later on the road.
I liked the train station. Big, beautiful. In general, bus transport is very developed in Turkey. I liked the constant flow of buses from Antalya to Alanya. The hotel where I stayed was closer to Alanya, but the children wanted to go to Antalya.