A very good place, I really liked the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad. This is an amazing place where the soul is filled with peace and the heart with sincere gratitude. Here you feel close to history, to the great events that changed the world.
The grandeur of architecture and the atmosphere of spirituality envelop everyone who crosses the threshold of this holy mosque. Worries go away, and instead of them comes a feeling of peace and deep reflection. Every corner here breathes a blessing, and it is impossible not to feel the greatness of this place.
This place is a reminder of the bright path, of the faith that connects the hearts of millions. The Mosque of the Prophet is a true reflection of love, purity and unity, and having been here, I want to come back again and again.
This place exudes a deep sense of spirituality and peace. The architecture impresses with its beauty and grandeur, creating an atmosphere of awe. Here you can feel the connection of times and generations. A peaceful atmosphere promotes reflection and self-discovery. Visiting this place leaves an unforgettable impression.
Alhamdulilloh, with the permission of Allah, not long ago I was in this beautiful Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa S.A.S. Visited the grave of the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa S.A.S. and his companions, recited the prayer and prayed Alhamdulilloh. A sacred place, when you come once you want to come again Alhamdulilloh Shukri Khudovand, Allohu Akbar. Only with the permission of Allah can a Muslim come to these places, may Allah allow all Muslim believers to visit Medina and Mecca Omin.
The Mosque of the Prophet is a place where you leave your heart and soul . A dream after fulfillment that remains a dream ! Peace and tranquility. Everything is saturated with the beloved Messenger of Allah . I will come back more than once InshaAllag! Let Allag call ! 💚
Of course, the impressions are only positive!
The staff at the mosque all work in a very organized manner!
May Allah 1 give all Muslims the opportunity to visit these places!
One of the most beautiful mosques in the world, spacious and very tasty smells of incense. The friendly security will prompt and explain everything. There are places for ablution and a toilet right not far from the mosque, or rather underground. 👍👍
In the name of Almighty Allah, it is the dream of every Muslim to visit the mosque of the Prophet and recite prayer there. Not long ago, Alhamdulilloh was in this beautiful Mosque of the Prophet, with the permission of Allah, performing Alhamdulilloh prayer. Holy places are for a Muslim.
There is a phrase, to see Paris and die.So, after I went there, I was ready to die.because there is no greater happiness in the life of a Muslim than to pray in the house of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him) and convey to Him greetings from all my relatives and friends.
The most favorite place in the world for me. I ask Allah to let me die in this beautiful place in the whole world, in the Rovd. And give me the happiness of being buried in Tanks
The an Nabawi Mosque is large, colorful and spacious. One prayer equates to thousands of prayers, the feeling is not transmitted. I want to visit many more times
There are a lot of shops making money with ladles, creating the impression of a market that is incompatible with spirituality for me, and the mosque itself is huge and beautiful, worth seeing once
One of the best places in the world . Medina is a city of dreams. Every Muslim dreams of coming here. Where is the ravza of the best of Allag 's creations , the Prophet and Messenger of Allag Muhammad Sallallag aleigya wasallam . There is beauty and tranquility in every sense 💯
This is the largest mosque.May God grant every Muslim a visit.I sincerely wish you. Cleanliness is all around, the staff is polite and work smartly. I recommend it to everyone.
There is a very good aura around the mosque, the place where the best of people, the PROPHET MUHAMMAD, PEACE AND BLESSINGS OF GOD BE UPON HIM, is buried!
A holy place. You completely settle into prayer with your thoughts. Feelings are above all. I don't want to come back from there. To visit the places where the Prophet Muhammad S.A. visited is something.
My favorite place, the most beautiful place where I have been and no place in the world can compare with Medina, because our Prophet Muhammad S.A.V. is there.
Masha Allah. A very beautiful mosque and a very important mosque for Muslims. The mosque of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
The sacred land where our prophet is buried, when a foot steps on these lands cannot be described in words, it is better to go and feel for yourself, you can dream about this all your life
The second of the three shrines of Islam.
What can I tell you about the mosque of the Prophet (S.T.G.V.)..
Words cannot convey..
It must be seen and felt
There are no words to describe how beautiful this world is - a world of tranquility of soul, body and mind.
Who wants to go but did not think of it, you will not want to go