На вылет терминал только для русских туристов грязь везде, куча досмотров постоянно кричат поведение персонала отвратительное к туристам. Ценников ни где нет как договоришься а если где то есть ценник то в местной валюте и сдача соответсвенно тоже, обманывают на каждом шаг у.
On departure terminal only for Russian tourists dirt everywhere, a lot of inspections constantly shouting behavior of the staff disgusting to tourists. There are no price tags anywhere how to agree and if somewhere there is a price tag then in local currency and accordingly change too, they cheat at every step. We will not fly to Egypt again with such a terrible attitude towards Russian tourists
It smells very strongly of cigarettes. The employees smoke right at their workplaces. The smoking room is not closed. There is no escape from the smell. Dear airport managers, this is not right, you must correct the situation, non-smokers should not suffer from cigarettes.