And so, the sculpture "Prayer", also known as the monument "Peace" in Nukriani (Kakheti region).
Unfortunately, there is not much information about her.
1970, sculptor Nugzar Manzhaparashvili.
It is installed on an open viewing point, as a tribute to the memory of those who died in World War II. It offers a magnificent bird's-eye view of the valley, so if you visit this place, you won't be disappointed for sure.
The sculpture itself is quite dilapidated, which is not surprising. An open high place, winds, and other weather conditions know their business, but they have not lost their monumentality.
There is a version that the image of this soaring maiden is taken from legends, where it appears that it is a warrior, an Amazon who offers prayers to the gods, asking for peace. But that's not accurate.
If you walk away from the highway, you will have to go through a small forest, where there is now something like a camping site with tables and benches. But it was conceived as a memorial park, and trees were also planted there in honor of the dead. There are 270 of them. or something like that.
They say that one local grandfather goes and cleans up the garbage left behind, and generally keeps order on a voluntary basis. And indeed, when we were there, I didn't see any garbage.