I recommend this store to everyone, the sellers are kind, and they will help you quickly find the right book. I searched for a long time for the Strugatskys' "Picnic on the side of the road" only here I found it, thanks to the sellers. It's strange that for some reason they were wearing monochrome black and white camouflage. It's probably some kind of holiday.
I advise everyone!! I was the other day, I rented a book, that's just one thing, but it's stuck to my hands! I came for the second one, I wanted to read Pushkin, but chemistry turned out to be there
I was here on the orders of some colonel from the laundry and dry cleaning, but not alone, but with a company! I was helped by a good-natured Caucasian who had problems with bandits at the Yanov station that had to be solved! And I was also helped by some lieutenant who introduced himself as a helicopter pilot with the call sign "Scat-4"! In the store, they found some kind of armed detachment that stared at some kind of mountain of garbage, built an antenna out of it and contacted some kind of monolith!