Не совсем зашла темка с раздельным заказом пока дойдешь до кассы уже забудешь что заказывал из-за аутентичных названий а на кассе надо будет повторить заказ. Еду недогрели была еле теплая.
Amazing service. Friendly crew
That’s why I love surf coffe, just moved in right next to this one, love that all spots have similar designs but at the same time each one is unique
The spot is not the biggest so you may not find everything you’re searching for but of course they have the basics and sometimes even more
Still figuring it out if it’s my spot or not but so good so far I like it here!
Also love the isolated space(perfect for yapping)and the toilet is cool but it’s too awkward to take pics of the toilet
Love the view, great vibes!
Was there one time when I was not in a good mood and asked my friend where should I go in Moscow and she suggested me this place I’m so grateful I have such a great friend! Anya thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and please forgive me for everything I did or didn’t do❤️ love you
Absolutely love this place!!!!
I’ve been to like 20 surf coffee and this is my favorite one of them all
The staff is so friendly and know what they’re job is.
One time I spilled my drink and they gave me new one for free!
Also I love the vibe of this place, the music and the interior design are very calming, best thing you can do after a hard day is to drink a cup of good quality coffee made with love by professionals
Also really like this surfboard here