An interesting place. It is clear that the range is mostly of low-budget quality, but you can also find good things. No need to be lazy, and choose carefully.
This is the Eastpal market, not the shopping center. Rather, a shopping complex consisting of traditional rows with modernized kiosks, closing shutters, where most of the sale of clothing, shoes, haberdashery, etc. of questionable quality occupies. This part of the market is not adapted either to rainy weather or to the cold season. A typical oriental scoop bazaar. In the open part there are a few building materials and plumbing. The market is surrounded by parking spaces, but there are few of them - only opposite the TD.
In addition, there are capital buildings on the territory of the market, where shops, representative offices of factories of the Republic of Belarus, and bank cash desks are located. Part of the complex is the Malininsky trading house, where, in addition to industrial outlets, there are pharmacies and a drinking establishment. There is a separate meat pavilion. Open rows for seasonal agricultural trade are surrounded by kiosks with spare parts, mobile service points and gaming clubs. Probably, Danko TD also belongs to the Eastpal with a range of services, such as repair of watches, phones, photos for documents and a chain store "Three Prices".
On the side of Neftestroiteley St., the market is adjacent to the Orange shopping center and the Catapult shopping center.
Probably, such a pile of various services and retail facilities attracts someone, but I have not been going to this market for many years. There is something backward, Soviet, low-quality in it, despite all the innovations of recent years. The service is so creepy: "if you don't like it, don't take it", fitting on cardboard. Hello the 90s.