He was treated by Elena Mikhailovna Getz, an orthopedic dentist. A first-class specialist. He knows his business perfectly well. He treats his work responsibly. He finds a common language with everyone. I went to the reception with pleasure. I express my gratitude.
It was not possible to evaluate the clinic. For the first time I wanted to use the services of this clinic on November 5, 2024.but from the first call to the number 229-10-98 designated as background information to the question: Is it possible to undergo a CT scan? I heard a lot of negativity from an employee who rudely said that she did not give certificates and had to look on the Internet where to call. I asked her to tone it down and got the answer that she wasn't being rude. As a result, she gave me the phone number where I should call, but after such an attitude, I really didn't want to go to this institution. It can be seen that this employee does not understand that the attendance of the polyclinic in particular depends on her attitude.
25A Myasnikova str.
Show Route Entrances
+375 17 229-10-98
this is taken from open sources. It remains to bring this information to the employee.
There is even a lot of one star.
11.11.2024, I went to the clinic
Department of Finance and Home Front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus , for medical help.
At the reception, my district doctor referred me for blood donation to room 443 (TABLE 1)
I have been suffering from HEMOPHOBIA since childhood.
Trying to explain this to the laboratory assistant, I heard in response: ridicule, boorishness, insults, disrespectful attitude.I was told that I was playing for the audience.They said, since I have hemophobia and fainting, when donating blood, that I would go home and not WHINE.
The priority of the patient's rights in the provision of medical care is realized, inter alia, by observing ethical and moral norms, as well as respectful and humane attitude on the part of medical workers.
I believe that the laboratory assistant violated the norms of ethics, violated my right to a respectful and humane attitude in providing medical care.
I will make sure that this situation is sorted out and measures are taken.