The ice cream is not bad, but it did not produce a wow effect, some flavors did not like at all. Use the scales to control the weight. It seems to the eye how much it will hang there, but in fact a large bowl, like in salad bars in hypermarkets (there were no others), holds about 800 g, which is more than 60 rubles. It is necessary to get the hang of the dispenser in order to cut off small portions, but in the meantime you will get the hang of it, and the bowl is almost full. Most people at the checkout are clearly surprised and upset when they see the total amount, and then they don't finish eating, because objectively the portion is too large. In general, it seems to be fun due to the fact that you can mix flavors and volume yourself, make sprinkles and toppings, but the sediment from such a surprise remains at the checkout, you don't want to go a second time.
to be honest, the high price for this ice cream is not justified!
it seems tastier in the neighboring island, it has a rather watery taste here.
the sprinkles and additional sweets are weathered and specially selected so that more weight comes out.
as a result, 45p for two servings! a woman with two children took it in front of us - 55p. is this a reasonable price?
It's a great place. The quality of service is solid 5. The furnishings and interior are the same: everything is tasteful. The pricing and product quality are pleasing! Thank you.