Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, repair of brake system, auto repair, engine repairs, full car sevice, oil changes, running gear repair, starter motor repairs, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, generator repairs, automotive electronics repair, pneumatic system repair
Brand:chinese cars, special cars, korean cars, japanese cars, domestic cars, european cars, passenger car, foreign cars, trucks
I applied to this service station by accident, the generator broke down on the road and I was VERY sorry!!! repaired the alternator, and starter, not only did not, then another, and floor of the car broke, the alternator is bad clamped the bolt, charging were wrong, the battery dropped off( or rather has finished, in the end had to buy a new one) ask someone to assemble - disassemble Am, to which Alexander replied the student, so that should be a control of some sort, the cover to close the battery broke, just left under the hood, says, well, okay, the protection under the engine is not secured, it just came off the pavement and started to RUB on the said Alexander, well, there's no other way to fix it, came in their schools three or four times what I was told you know you don't go here anymore, it's not our fault, it happened , turning to one hundred, it was found that made anyhow, have the cheap car parts,bolt to the pin installed not such as should be, everything is recorded other official stations, not as sdece in the garage,although they took the money not small in the area 450r, there is no guarantee, walked out the door and forget what's the guarantee if the handset to answer why are you calling me, not seriously, as you can write in comments we value our customers,if you still benefit took some paltry sum, although brought more damage if it was serious I would not allow, receipts for services not provided. I do not recommend it!!!
I was refused a request from several service stations to repair the generator, citing the fact that they no longer service such machines (pajero 3), they immediately took over the work immediately, and during the day everything was ready efficiently and promptly, for which I thank them:)
Above all praise, an American generator was brought, the craftsmen had to tinker a little, but in general they completed their task on time. In the end, we changed everything we needed at a very affordable price, everything works, the problem is solved, thank you, I will recommend it to my friends)