Накожные новообразования (бородавка, невус, кератома, гемангиома) до 0,5 см за 1 шт
25 Br
Пилинг поверхностный Crystal Peel
Гиколевая + салицилоая + миндальная + лимонная
80 Br
Пилинг поверхностный Mask Peel
Гликолевая + салициловая кислота
60 Br
Vbeam: удаление сосудов на ногах
Лечение купероза и сосудистых образований, удаление сосудов на лице лазером — эффективно и безопасно в медцентре Рошес
80 Br3 cm
Лазерная эпиляция подмышек
Эффективная лазерная эпиляция на аппарате Candela обусловлена сочетанием двух «золотых стандартов» — александритового и неодимового лазера.
Александритовый лазер ...
I have been entrusting my health to the clinic staff for years. I have always received good professional service. I would especially like to express my gratitude to Oksana Nedelko. Thank you for your work, which is so important to people. Pleasant patients and good health))
They did an ultrasound of the child's brain and an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for my mother at Oksana Vladimirovna's Week, a very competent and attentive doctor, a professional in her field. Thank you so much for the good service and good attitude. Recommend 👍
I don't know about who and for whom, but in my case, the laser rejuvenation procedure at the ROCHES medical center gave the very result I was waiting for. Now it has been 5 months and only now I can fully assess the effect. What I got as a result is a smooth complexion and a uniform skin texture, the absence of fine wrinkles and even of the signs, the skin is toned! I am satisfied and can recommend both the laser rejuvenation procedure itself and the doctor Andrey Mikhailovich, who gave me this procedure! Thanks!