Просмотр экспонатов "ФК Динамо Минск" доступна в "Паб 82"
Свободный просмотр экспонатов: шарфов, вымпелов, картин, фотографий стадиона и футбольного клуба Динамо Минск. Индивидуальные экскурсии временно не проводятся.
1 Br1 h
Аудио Экскурсия по стадиону Динамо
Аудио Экскурсия по стадиону Динамо. Исторический рассказ про создание стадиона, все реконструкции и значимые события в истории. В аудиогиде вам придется отвечать на вопросы, чтобы закрепить информацию экскурсии. Аудиогид займет вам около 45 мину.
I've been there, and I can say that even if you're not an avid fan, this place will definitely impress you! From the first minutes you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a real football holiday. The expositions are thought out to the smallest detail
The most interesting place in the Dynamo stadium. There is something to look at and take photos with. The room is not very large, but it is interesting to see the history of the Dynamo stadium and the Dinamo Minsk football club. The museum tells about the victory in 1982. There are many cups, memorable photos and attributes of this victory. There is a large amount of information about what took place within the walls of the stadium and what concerts were held.
It will be interesting to visit the museum with family and children, especially if your children train at a football club. A good place