There is a contradictory opinion about this store, on the one hand, it is located in the area of high-rise buildings, and it seems to be a convenient location, but there is a big disadvantage, which is often incorrect price tags in all Shopping bags!
There used to be a very good store, but for several years now everything has been deplorable.
The store is a mess and dirty, goods often do not lie, but lie on the shelves. I never take meat and fish there at all, because once I took a fish, and it was all blooming inside, but the seller assured me that everything was fresh.In general, I can only take products in closed packs there:pasta, buckwheat, oatmeal.Sometimes they bring good vegetables.Probably just need a normal manager who will put the store in order.
Constantly the prices do not match the price tags. The goods are in the hall and near the shelves in the drawers, and are not laid out on the shelves. There's always something that doesn't work at the checkout.